"Yes, she personally admitted. I said that I would tell her the lord. She said that she was not afraid. Even if I went to complain, she would not admit that the elders, I have no way to come to you... ...the two elders will not believe me."

Gu Ya’s eyes were helpless and painful. Her eyes always looked at the elders, and her voice was sobbing.

Ji Tian’s face is getting more and more heavy, but he doesn’t say a word.

Seeing this, Gu Ya continued: "The elders have thought about it. Why did the Linger girl not come to the government for a long time, her mother found it? But before this, the lord did not have any news about Linger... These two are all out of thin air. I suspect they have premeditated plans."

"Linger is no problem. She doesn't know anything about a two-year-old child. The lord likes her. I don't want the lord to be sad. If the elders really want to drive away the woman, please let go of Linger."

Gu Ya pleaded.

She really doesn't like Linger, and she is willing to love the house and Wu. If Linger is driven away, the lord will not only be furious, but even even sad...

And how can she be so sad that he is so sad?

Therefore, she is willing to accept Linger, let this girl stay in the government of the lord.

In the future, under the guidance of her own, this little girl who has been taught to be broken will soon be hers.

For himself, Gu Ya still has a lot of confidence.

Ji Tian’s light picked up slightly and looked at Gu Ya in a look.

Under the eyes of his persecuted people, Gu Ya’s heart was a little confused, but it quickly stabilized, raised his lips and eyes, and looked firmly at Ji Tian.

For a long time, Ji Tian chuckled: "Gu girl, I will find out this matter, you will go back and wait for the news. If she is as you said, I will let her leave, but I am not willing to marry. Any one."

Gu Ya had long known that the character of the elders would not believe her as fast, but it was a few days before the lord came back. She had time to drive the woman away during this period.

"So, then I will not say anything more. After all, we are all for the lord. No one wants to leave such a man with a bad heart. But I still have one thing to help the elders... ”

"What is it?"

"I really like Linger's little girl. Can I move to the yard next to her? The elders are relieved. The little girl is so lively and likable, I won't hurt her."

Ji Tian looked at Guya and nodded slightly.

At that time, Gu Ya’s actions on the lord were also seen in his eyes.

At that time, the lord, the scenery was infinite, and the number of women who loved him was numerous.

I can always follow Guya behind the lord, even if I don't like the women who love the lord, and do not swear by power.

"I can let you move to her side, but only for these days. After the lord returns, you will leave."

Gu Ya’s heart is happy: “Thank you for the elders.”

"You don't have to rush to thank me. If during this period, the Lord's Office will do anything, I will think of you, can you understand?"

Ji Tian looked at Gu Ya with a heavy tone.

Gu Ya mouth twitched: "The elders please rest assured, I will not do anything, I will not let the lord sad, naturally will not move people around him ..."

Of course, Linger’s mother is exceptional.

Anyway, the lord has not seen her, she has driven her away, and the lord will not say anything more...<>

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