For her own mother, Linger still has a lot of confidence. ~With~dream~small~say~щ~~lā

If there is a person in the world who can save Ji Qing song, that person... will only be a mother.

Ji Qingge sighed with relief: "That... I will go to your mother first."

"Wait, let's go together."

Xiao Linger smiled brightly, took the hand of Ji Qingge, and rushed to the room of Bai Yan.

Ji Qingge bowed her head and looked at Xiaolinger's little hand, and her mouth couldn't help but smack a smile...

It’s good to have a friend’s feeling...

Linger is her first friend and a friend she will treasure for a lifetime!


The two little guys didn't see it. After they left, under the night, a blue dress slowly walked out, and her beauty was fixed in the direction of Ji Qingge and Xiao Linger.

"I didn't think that Linger's mother wanted to treat Ji Qingge to treat the body in order to please the people in the government."

And also uttered madness, claiming that he has full control?

In the event of something happened to Ji Qingge, the anger of the elders is enough to burn the entire field...

"No, if I rush in, Ji Qingge may not follow me. The strength of the woman is not low. I may not be able to beat her. It is better to inform the elders that the elders will never see it." Watching the granddaughter be harmed by this woman."

Gu Ya finally looked at the room and turned away.

She doesn't like Ji Qingge, just like she doesn't like Linger.

One is sick all day, and no one can see it with joy, and the other is too poisonous and uncultivated.

But well, this Ji Qingge is the person in the government of the Lord. How can she let Bai Yan harm her for her own sake?

What's more, this is an opportunity to completely expel Bai Yan!

Thinking of this, Gu Ya’s eyes sank, she did not think about it, and quickly ran towards the direction of the elders.

"Great elders, something went wrong, big things are not good!"

The elders in the night were silent, but because of this anxious shout, it broke the silence at the moment.

Ji Tian walked out of the door without urgency, and his eyes were amazed: "Valley, you are coming to me now, what happened?"

"The elders, it is Ji Qingge's accident!" Gu Ya bit his teeth, said.

When this words fell, Ji weather suddenly changed, the wind swelled, and angered: "What do you say, Xiao Qingge has an accident? What happened to her? You immediately explained it to me!"

The little Qing song is his life root, and no one is allowed to hurt her!

"The great elder is the mother of Linger... In order to get the help of the elders and to get the lord, she actually wants to take risks for the Qingge Miss, even if she does not have any strength, she also intends to take this risk, but Miss Qingge believes her words and has already gone to her room. What should I do?"

Gu Yaji's sweaty head, his face is somewhat white.

The two elders should be behind the elders. After hearing this, Twilight sinks: "The girl I have seen, is not such a light and heavy person, I see if there is any misunderstanding? Qing song may Just go find her to play."

In the eyes of Gu Ya, there is an unsuspecting anxiety: "I heard the songs and Linger’s conversations. I know that the elders, you are going to save the songs. If it’s late, maybe Miss Qingge will be harmed by that woman. dead……"

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