The woman is in white, beautiful and beautiful. Her facial features are similar to Bai Yan, but compared to Bai Yan’s domineering temper, this woman has a little more cold and arrogance. With {梦}小◢.1a

When Gu Ya saw Bai Ning's first look, she was not happy. She held her thin lips tightly and her eyes showed hostility.

Bai Ning naturally saw Gu Ya. She only looked at her with a faint look. She took her eyes back and gently patted the back of Xiao Linger on her back. It seemed to calm her.

Xiao Linger’s crying eyes are red, and the small appearance is too lovable, making Bai Ning more distressed.

The anger of her heart rushed out, and the cold and faint sweep of everyone in the Lord's House.

"Linger, take your grandmother to see your mother."

Bai Ning bowed his head, and when he looked at Xiao Linger, the coldness in his eyes was near, and it was replaced by a gentle one.

Linger blinked and pitifully said: "But, the mother kisses the younger sister again. These people say that the mother will hurt the young lady, but she has to go to find her mother, but when she is refining the remedy, Can't be disturbed."

Bai Ning’s lips rose and smacked a smear. She licked the head of Xiao Linger and turned her eyes to other people.

"Since my granddaughter said that I can't bother my daughter, then no one of you can go to her."

"This lady," Ji Tian frowned, his voice was a bit cold. "Miss Linger’s sister is my granddaughter. My granddaughter naturally has me to find a way, so I will not bother the lady, please You let your daughter stop."

Bai Ning faintly glanced at him: "The life and death of your granddaughter naturally has nothing to do with me, but no one who wants to kill my daughter can save. Similarly, the person she wants to save will not die! So, in No one can bother before she comes out."

"So, then we can only use the means of forcing," Ji Tian sneered, said, "You go to Miss Linger, I will deal with this lady."

The little Linger panicked, and the small body curled up in the arms of Bai Ning, for fear of being caught by these people.


Those people who heard Ji Tian’s words were actually a glimpse, and no one came forward to touch the little Linger.

After all, the burning temperature was still in their palms. In serious cases, there was already a burn in the palm of your hand.

Who still has the courage to continue to catch her?

This little girl... is eccentric, especially the power she just had, which they have never seen before.

"What are you doing?"

Ji Tian’s face is getting more and more heavy. If he is afraid that he will accidentally hurt Linger, he just started directly.

"The Great Elder, Miss Linger, she..."

The guard trembled.

Before he finished speaking, Ji Tian’s eyes became more and more cold, and he interrupted him directly: “You don’t have to worry so much, if the lord blames it, I will take it seriously!”

The guards almost cried out.

The problem is that they really don't dare to catch Linger, fearing that her body once again burns their hands like a fire...

But when they touched Ji Tian’s eyes, the guards swallowed and cautiously walked like a little Linger.

"Miss Linger, we don't want to catch you, can you... oh, go and stay by yourself?"

Xiao Linger snorted softly: "You guys, this group of bad guys, I won't let you hurt the mother, and the grandmother is coming, I am not afraid of you..."

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