In the room. *With *dream*small*.lā

Bai Yan’s whole heart was devoted to alchemy, and he did not notice the battle outside the hospital...

Her eyes were very concentrated and she did not move away from the alchemy furnace.


Suddenly, a very loud crash came from inside the Dan furnace, as if there was something that wanted to break through the furnace.

The look of Bai Yan is more and more convergent, but the flame of the palm is gradually shrinking.

Also with this moment, her eyes looked up at the roof and quietly waited for the thunder to fall...

However, for a long time, the expected thunder has no future, and it is to make Bai Yan's brow wrinkle gently.

"This field is a space opened up by a lord, so... Tianlei can't enter this space? Otherwise, before I succeed in alchemy, there can be no thunder."

Bai Yan sighed for a long while, and then no longer thought about it. She raised her hand and flew out the lid of Dan furnace. The eyes went to Ji Qing song in the medicated bath.

"Dan has become, you can come out."

The person in the medicated bath did not answer her words.

Bai Yan discovered that Ji Qingge had already fainted in the past. Even so, she did not make a sound and silently endured all the pain.

She looked at the gradual change of Ji Qingge, and immediately walked toward the girl in the barrel. When she raised her hand, she dripped her out of the medicated bath.

As if suddenly lost the pain, Ji Qingge's brow gently moved, her eyes also slowly opened.

"Mrs. Emperor..." The little girl opened her mouth, and the fresh air poured into her body, which made her feel a loose body. "Is it successful?"


Bai Yan’s indifferent response: “You will take this medicinal medicine.”

Ji Qing song looked at the white face, and then looked at the medicinal herbs that she had in her hand. She seemed to think without even thinking. She took the medicinal medicine from the hands of Bai Yan and put it in her mouth.

This medicinal medicine is the entrance to the instant, turned into a warm current, flowing through her internal organs, straight into the soul.

Immediately, she felt something was forced out of her body.

A feeling of nausea rushed into my heart, and her wow opened her mouth, and the black blood was spit out of her mouth.

After spit out this black blood, Ji Qingge's body feels more relaxed than ever before, and even the exhaled breath is not as good as usual to let her do evil.

It’s just... I don’t see the sun all the year round, or let her body be very weak, pale and bloodless.

"Mrs. Em, I am... have you recovered?"

The voice of Ji Qingge is trembling, and his eyes are brightly lit.

She never thought that one day, she would get rid of this poison that invades the soul.

She never expected it, she still has the day to see the sun...

"Really, this time is more successful, but your body is too weak. I have a medicinal herb here, and you can take it."

Send the Buddha to the West.

In the future, this girl is a Linger, and she has never been too embarrassed about her own.

I only hope that this girl will not let her down in the future.

"Thank you."

Ji Qingge whimpered and took the medicinal herbs handed over by Bai Yan, and swallowed it carefully.

Sure enough, at the moment of the entrance of the medicinal herbs, her face was much better, and even the body was no longer as weak as it was.

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