Ying Die hurriedly raised his hand and pushed the Linger to a piece, and then turned his eyes to the fast-opening Gu Lao.


Gu’s old fist fell on the chest of Yingdie, and the body of the butterfly quickly reversed a few steps backwards. A trace of blood hung in her lips and her eyes became more solemn.

The original strength of this valley is far worse than her. I did not expect that the efficacy of this medicinal drug is so powerful that it can make his power surpass her faster.


No matter what kind of immortality, there will be a time limit. As long as the time is up, the efficacy of the drug will naturally disappear.

So, all she can do is delay the time.

"It should be butterfly, be careful."

Xiao Linger climbed up from the ground. She had not had time to stand firm and saw that Gu Lao had already reached the front of Ying Die.

Every punch of his fists is violent and rainy, making people unable to parry.

It should be difficult to deal with the butterfly, especially when she saw Linger walked over to her. Her face was pale and colorless, and her voice was panicked.

"Linger, you are going, run!"

Because she had just fallen, Xiaoling’s footsteps were awkward. Her little face powder was tender and tender, and her eyes were more dazzling than the stars in the sky.

It stands to reason that such a child, if anyone really sees the heart will melt.

But Gu Lao does not know why, it is extremely hateful to her!

Maybe... she took away the happiness of the lady.

Gu Lao has already pulled out the sword, the sword is fierce, and there is boundless edge, and the sudden raid has turned to Ying Die.

But the butterfly had no time to react. Only the hand of Gu Lao’s blade was firmly grasped by hand. The blood flowed down her hand and dyed the ground.

Her eyes are firm, but the corners of her mouth are with irony: "Gu Lao, do you really have to be so?"

The tip of the sword is only one centimeter away from her chest.

Only need a hard force from the valley, you can pierce the heart of Yingdie...

But at that moment, Gu Lao hesitated.

He hates Linger, there is nothing wrong with it, but he has been with Yingdie for many years, if he really wants to kill her...

Suddenly, in Gu’s mind, Gu Ya’s sad and desperate face emerged, and the softened heart once again became hard as a stone.

"You are not dead, how can the lady be the lord's wife? In that year, the elders marched forward on the lord's face. Otherwise, my family lady was already the wife of the lord's house. Now I will not give you the chance to hurt her."

She should hold the blade tightly, and she could not feel the pain. She sneered: "The person like the lord, can someone control it? He does not choose Gu Ya, but just proves that he does not like her."

Who is the lord?

He has always been a master, and he is the master of the field of inflammation. How can he give up his beloved woman because of the elders?

He did not choose Gu Ya, but just proved that Gu Ya is not his heart.

"Nonsense!" Gu's eyes are full of anger. "It's all your fault. You are hindering her excitement. All of you are damned!"

His hand jerked hard.

The tip of the sword is getting closer and closer to the butterfly...

Ying Ying Yan Yan white, a burst of cold sweat on her face, she screamed at the blade, wanting to prevent it from getting closer to herself.

However, her strength and the old woman are too disparity, but also because of the injuries she has suffered, so that her body does not have much strength...

"Bad egg, you should let go of the butterfly."

Xiao Linger didn't know when she had arrived at Gu Lao's side. She opened her mouth and slammed it on the old arm of Gu.

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