Relics. [随_梦]ā

Under the gray sky.

Bai Yan’s heart sighed a little, and she squinted her chest tightly and her face was white.


The face of Tianyan has changed. The long sword in his hand blocked the sharp claws of the beast, and then turned his eyes to the white face, and his eyes were full of tension.

"How are you? Are you injured?"

Bai Yan paled a face and shook his head: "I don't know what's going on, hey, we have to leave this place as soon as possible, I feel... it seems like something is wrong."

problem occurs?

Tianyan was trying to ask what happened to Bai Yan, but he saw the fierce raids of the beasts again. For a long time, Tianyan took back all his gaze and concentrated on the monsters in front of him.

The sky has long since disappeared from the original blue, but with a gray color, it seems dark and horrible.

Within the crack in the sky, there are countless monsters running out from inside.

Their teeth are very sharp, their claws are like swords, and their snoring sounds like the world. With so many monsters, Tian Yan’s face is getting more and more urgent.


In the crack, I finally did not continue to run out of the monster, so it can be seen that those monsters are already here.

Tianyan bit his teeth: "Yan, I will stop all the monsters, and you will leave immediately."

Originally, he wanted to kill the monsters in the realm of the lord, and then deal with the other. Now, it seems that you must let Yaner leave.

If it was in the past, Bai Yan would not let Tian Yan leave alone to face so many monsters, but just that moment, she already felt that it must be a matter of Linger, she would have such a heartbreaking pain.

So, thinking of it, Bai Yan turned to look at Tianyan, his eyes were heavy: "Hey, I will come back to help you!"

After she finds Linger, she will definitely come back to help Tianyan.

"You can rest assured, I will not have anything."

Tianyan wiped the blood of the corner of his mouth. His palms raised slightly, and a bang, a soil wall rose from the ground, and many monsters were stopped on the other side of Baiyan.

As a person who used the earth wall, Tian Yan himself was left on the other side.

"Not going fast?"

Seeing that Bai Yan did not move, Tian Yan brows and wrinkles, continue to say.

Bai Yan finally looked at the eye, and his body suddenly rose to the void, going to the crack...


Seeing her getting closer and closer to the cracks in the sky, Bai Yan’s heart is getting more and more quiet, but her pale face still does not change the pale color, a red dress, swaying in the wind, arrogant and domineering .

Suddenly, among the cracks, a flame rushed in, causing Bai Yan to be shocked and stunned, hurriedly sideways, and escaped the flames.

But before she could breathe, more and more flames came in, and the hot temperatures lingered from the face of Bai Yan’s cheeks, bringing a heat wave.

"Linger is still waiting for me. Anyway, I have to leave this place."

Bai Yan’s eyebrows were firm, and she rushed to the crack against the heat waves.

And among the cracks in the black lacquer, it also showed a bright light...

It was the piece of light that gave hope to Bai Yan, and some of her whiteness and faintness showed a joy, and immediately plunged into the crack.

Within the crack, it was the wooden bridge that Bai Yan first walked on.

She was standing in the middle of the wooden bridge, staring blankly at everything in front of her eyes.


Did she really leave that place?

But... Why is there a crack in the sky above the plain, but nothing exists above the wooden bridge? Everything seems calm as usual.

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