"Okay, then I will continue to accompany you to find the way to leave. {With}{梦} щ{][lā}"

If Linger is not in danger, they will not be so anxious, but since Linger has an accident, he must leave this ghost place.

"Mother, let's go ahead and there must be another passage to the outside world."

Bai Yan put away his fist and went to the other side of the wooden bridge.

The stone pillar that originally stood on the edge of the bridge collapsed under her fist and slammed into the boundless abyss under the wooden bridge...


However, this road, Bai Ning has gone through many times, the front is already the end of the road, there is nothing else.

Similarly, she also understands that even if she said these words, Bai Yan would not stop. ..

She did not really give up, she will not give up.

Sure enough...

It didn't take long, it was a wall that blocked all the way forward.

Bai Yan stopped her steps, her fists creaked, but her face did not show any abnormality.

"Since it is a relic, it will not be a dead end, there must be a way to leave, mother, you help me find it."

"it is good."

Bai Ning silently walked toward the wall.

In the months when Bai Yan disappeared, she also searched for a long time in the same place. She believed with Bai Yan, as long as it is a relic, it will not be absolute.

But in the end she was disappointed to despair...

Bai Yan did not speak any more. She silently observed the walls around her, and her eyes were cautious.

The original flustered heart was calmed down at this moment. Only in this way can she carefully observe whether there are organs around.


Suddenly, Bai Yan’s gaze fell on a painting in front.

This painting of the woman Bai Yan has seen countless times, it is the woman who mentioned the inflammation in the diary.

What Bai Yan impressed most about her was nothing more than the sculptures and portraits that made many monsters submit to her...

She seems to be unable to conquer the foxes when she was alive, so... she deliberately left a picture in her imagination, and she wanted to stay in the world.


The woman in this painting is not the same as the painting she has seen before.

She didn't have a arrogant domineering, and she was no longer like the king who was on the top. It was very quiet.

Peach blossoms all over the mountain, she stood under the peach tree, the skin is exquisite, white as jade, peach blossoms are scattered in the mountains, her lips are also a smile that is more beautiful than the peach blossom...

Such a woman, unlike the picture she would draw herself, looked at it from this direction, as if someone had secretly peeked at her and left such a stunning picture.

"Yan, I have also checked this painting, there is no problem."

Bai Ning didn't want to waste too much time, he said everything he had checked before, so as not to take too many detours.

Bai Yan did not speak.

As if she was attracted, she walked slowly toward the painting.

Bai Ning wanted to pull her, but she did not hold it. She could only let her go to the portrait.

"Mother, speaking, this girl is my half master, but I didn't expect this ruin to be related to her."

Bai Yan smiled and said.

On the same day, on the demon mountain, the things that Suzaku has been guarding are also related to this woman, and she also got the experience of women’s lifelong cultivation.

It stands to reason that she is indeed her half master.

"So, I want to put this image together... I will worship it later."

Bai Yan squinted at the portrait and immediately rose from the ground and raised his hand to pick up the portrait.

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