Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1788: She is not worth living (six)

White eyes are scornful.随-梦- . lā

This old guy should have taken the drug, his original strength, and did not reach the level of mysterious high-level.


Bai Yan smirked and raised his lips: "You don't forget, I am an alchemy teacher, and Ji Qingge's illness is that I am cured."


Gu Lao's erroneous look up, looking at this beautiful face, the old face is pale and colorless.

Bai Yan instantly took out a medicinal herb from the storage room. She raised her hand and pinched it, crushing the medicinal herbs. At this moment, it seems that there is a green gas floating in the air and slowly drilling into the nose of the valley. .

Gu's face changed.


He clearly felt that the power that he had just promoted with the medicinal herbs disappeared, but it was a moment of time, and he had already fallen back from the high-order of the mysterious **** to the middle of the mysterious god.

"This... how is this possible?"

Gu Lao’s heart was shocked by the shackles, and his eyes were finally full of panic.

Although he was ready to die when he came, he did not expect that he would die in the hands of this woman if he had not killed anyone. How can she be willing?

"Lord," Gu Lao hurriedly turned to look at Tianyan. "At the beginning, I accompanied the lady to the mainland to save you back. I wonder if the owner can help me in this kind of love? If there is no me on that day, You can't come back to the field of inflammation..."

If Linger is dead, perhaps, he does not have the opportunity to plead.

But now that the spirit is not still dead? The lord may help him once...

The savage scorpion turned to Gu Lao, and the killing in his eyes flashed: "What do you think if the lord has a daughter?"

Gu old, I don’t understand the meaning of Tian Yan.

Bai Yan also stopped the action, standing quietly, just under the encirclement of her imposing, the valley old nowhere to escape.

"If the lord has a daughter, he will definitely be the ultimate."

He is so fond of Emperor's children. If the lord has a daughter, he will definitely be extremely pampered.

"Since this is the case..." Tian Yan said with a sneer, "Why do you think that the lord will help you with your own daughter? In particular, you still hurt my granddaughter?"


This is like a blue sky, smashing down, and the old eyes of the valley are staring at Venus, and the brain becomes blank again.

Maybe after saying the words before the day, he would be able to guess the identity of Bai Yan, but he always subconsciously vetoed this possibility. Now that he heard the recognition of Tian Yan, he suddenly understood that he used to Everything you do is ridiculous...

The lord has already married his wife and children, and his wife and daughter are so good, but he has turned his daughter and granddaughter into a whimsical-guided misconduct.

Gu Lao slowly closed his eyes, his body trembled, for a long time, only to use his full strength to open his eyes, the old voice with hoarse dry, even more difficult than the sound of the breeze blowing the dry branches.

"Lord, this is my own behavior, Miss she does not know... I also hope that the lord will not blame her for this..."


Bai Yan’s sword of extinction squats again, and the temperature in the air is full of hot feelings. For example, the same heat wave rushes toward the surface. In an instant, Gu’s body is overturned, and the wolverine falls to the ground...


Gu Lao squirted a blood, desperate eyes on everyone around...

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