
A happy voice came from the front. [随_梦]ā

The brow of Tianyan was also wrinkled, and he looked up at the woman who rushed from the front, and his face slowly subsided.

Under the evening wind, the atmosphere suddenly cooled.

Gu Ya did not notice the strange atmosphere around her, her excited eyes always stared at the man in front.

Just now... She was going to look for Gu Laos for help. But after she had not left, she received the news that the lord came back. Therefore, she couldn’t take it anymore and rushed back.

After seeing this man who was placed on his heart safe and sound, the heart she had been carrying was gradually falling back into her stomach.

Her face is graceful and gentle smile: "Lord, you are safe, really good..."

Tian Yan’s eyes fell on Gu Ya’s body, containing cold and fierce light.

The kind of light that makes Gu Ya still have no time to converge, and the eyes are unclear: "Lord... Why are you... looking at me with such eyes?"

She knows the days of inflammation.

This man is powerful, handsome, and the same... indifferent and cold, like a cold wind.

But she has been following Tianyan all the time. Tianyan never looked at him with such a look. This kind of eyes... let her heart smack and her face pale.

"Guya, what do you do yourself, why do you want the lord to remind you?" Tianyan raised his eyes and looked down at the woman in front of him. His voice was indifferent to human feelings.

The fierceness in her eyes is like a sword, and her skin is cut. ..

"Lord, what do you mean by this?" Gu Ya's face was white and she bit her lip tightly. "All I do is to lead the government. For the lord, I will not do anything to hurt you." Come."

Even if there are strong enemies in other fields to invade, as long as the lord returns, those people will not escape, so she is not worried that it will drag on Tianyan.

After all, this man is her lifelong love, how can she bear to hurt him?

Tianyan did not speak, his eyes were examined, and some were condescending.

"The Lord will only give you a last chance to say what you have done."

The face of Gu Ya was a little white, and the heart trembled gently.

She didn't understand what Tian Yan was referring to. A pair of eyes turned a few times, forcing herself to calm down and bite her lips: "Is the lord saying something about Mrs. Emperor?"

Linger is so loved by the lord, and it is normal for the lord to look at Linger’s sake and to have some favor for the emperor’s wife.

It’s just that Gu Ya’s heart is unwilling. Today, the lord still sees the existence of Madame Emperor and her mother...

In particular, Gu Yawang saw Bai Yan and Bai Ning standing on the side of Tianyan, and the vinegar in her heart rushed out, almost drowning herself.

Sure enough...

The mother and the daughter are holding a bad heart against the lord. Now, do they want to have a mother and daughter together?

With such a mother and grandmother, even if Linger is pure and pure, she will be taught badly in the morning and evening...

"Lord, I know that you are talking about the emperor's treatment of Ji Qingge."

As for the words that Ji Qingge said before, Gu Ya did not pay attention to it.

First of all, Ji Qingge did not have any evidence. He only guessed that the invasion of a strong enemy was related to her. If there is no definite evidence, she could not tell the matter.

Moreover, the lord is not stupid enough to ask her a sin because of a child’s sentence...

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