He wants to let those people bury.

And into the land, apologize for the frost!

Ye Hao's eyes are full of hate. It is the most beautiful person in his heart, and it is also the pain of his life.

Even if he has been in the past for so many years, he will not forget the hatred of this bone, he must let him avenge the frost at the cost of death!

"The Lord Lord."

There was a voice coming out of the door: "The cloud girl is back and wants to ask the lord."

Ye Lan's twilight is cold, cold channel: "Let her come in."


The sound outside the study disappeared, followed by a footstep.

After half a ring, the door was pushed open by a jade hand, and the purpose was a feminine face. ..

To be honest, this face is still very good since the scars of Yun Ruo, but... still far worse than his frost.

"Is there something?"

Ye Lan's voice is cold and indifferent.

For such a person, Yun Ruoxi has long been accustomed to it, she also understands that no matter who he is, he is so gloomy and indifferent, not deliberately directed at her.

"Lord, I went to the field of inflammation." Yun Ruoxi smiled softly, his voice was delicate and weak, and his face was very charming.

Ye Xuan was convergent, and the bottom of his eyes covered up a disgust, and asked coldly: "And then."

"I saw my enemies, that is, the queen of the demon world."

At that moment, Ye Xiaoche’s eyes suddenly tightened. He suddenly stood up and asked, “Who do you see who you saw, the queen of the demon world?”

"Yes, I saw her, and... she also became the daughter of Tianyan."

Yun Ruoxi was shocked by Ye Lanche’s reaction. She bit her lip and said.

Ye Lanche smiled coldly.

The laughter is horrible, and the eyebrows are full of hatred.

"I knew that Emperor Cang had married his wife. When he was dismissive of any woman, he would even marry his wife..." His dawn turned to Yun Ruoxi, and asked, "Since you know the queen of the demon world, Can you tell me what kind of woman is she? In the end, what kind of person will be seen by the Emperor?"

If the cloud is stunned, she is silent for a while: "Bai Yan, she looks beautiful."

This is the only thing she has admitted that Bai Yan has beaten her.

"Beautiful?" Ye Haoche chuckled and was full of disdain. "The Emperor Cang is not a beautiful person. Even the beautiful woman like Frost has refused. The appearance of other women... How can I be confused?" He?"


If the cloud is sensitive to the capture of these two words, and the field of Ye Yuche is also named after the dust, it is difficult to become this frost... What is the relationship with the lord?

"I don't know much about Bai Yan. Her character is more vicious. I don't dare to get in touch with her even when I make good friends with her..." Yun Ruo slammed the light a few times and bit the lip again. "And I know that Bai Yan is surrounded by a lot of men, but she does not have a female friend. It is estimated that she is tempted by a fox, but a woman hates her character."

Ye Yuqi picked up his eyes and his eyes contained inquiry.

There was a cold sweat on the forehead of Yun Ruo, and the subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

She didn't want to say that Bai Yan was a good or bad one. She was afraid... even her only card would be lured by the woman.

This kind of consequence is something she can't afford.

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