Ji Qingge envied standing on the side. ◢随◢梦◢小◢.lā

When she thought of her parents leaving her early, she didn't feel a glimpse of it.

Such a scene... I have never experienced it since she was born, nor do I know that maternal love will be so gentle.

"Linger, I have something to ask you."

Bai Yan did not notice the emotions of Ji Qingge. Her mind was filled with the voice of the elders reminding me, and there was a worry in the eyebrows.

Xiao Linger raised his small face: "Mother has something to ask Linger, as long as the mother wants to know, Linger will definitely say."

"Linger, have you recently... can you feel unwell?"

Bai Yan sighed for a while and asked.

Xiao Linger squinted her head and looked at Bai Yan with a gaze. She seemed to wonder why her mother would suddenly ask this question.

"Mother, Linger did not feel any discomfort."

"Is it?" Bai Yan still has some peace of mind. "Do you have the feeling of burning in the body?"

Xiao Linger shook his head: "No."


The words of Xiao Linger did not let Bai Yan relax, and her fears became more and more serious.

After half a ring, she released the little guy in her arms and slowly closed her eyes, letting her mental power detect the body of Xiao Linger.

It stands to reason that the average person will not use the mental strength to visit people. After all, letting another person's mental strength enter the body will cause the body to suffer a little damage. This is also that Bai Yan has never used mental power to explore the little Linger. The reason for going through the body.

Unless absolutely necessary...

For example, when treating a person, you need to use the detection of mental power, and then, for example, the situation of Xiao Linger.

Daddy, Bai Yan’s face was white.


She saw a bead lying quietly in the heart of Little Linger.

There was a layer of flame floating around the beads, but it didn't burn her heart any more, but there was no movement lying in her heart.

"Linger, do you usually feel heart pain?"

Bai Yan’s forehead had a cold sweat, and she hurriedly pulled out her mental strength and looked ugly to Xiao Linger.

The little Linger was so sullen and wide-eyed: "Why would the mother ask such a question, is Linger’s body problem? But Linger did not feel any discomfort."

Bai Yan was silent again.

After a short while, her voice only sounded: "Can you tell me what is the flame bead on your heart? Who is in your body?"


She will not let go of anyone who will hurt the little Linger.

The eyes of Bai Yan’s eyes have already emerged, and the gloomy atmosphere spreads throughout the backyard. Even Ji Qingge on the side feels the anger of her heart.

"I do not remember."..

Xiao Linger bit her finger, and the milk replied with a milky voice.

Bai Yan calmed her emotions. She pressed her hands on the shoulders of Xiao Linger and tried to make her tone as calm as ever.

"Linger, you think about it again."

Xiao Linger’s eyes showed doubts. She meditated with her head down until the little head was about to break, and she slammed her head.

"Mother, you remember, I said, there is a hole in the demon mountain, there are people in the hole."

"Hmm?" Bai Yan frowned.

Xiao Linger licked his mouth: "Linger remembers that he seemed to have given Linger something on that day. Is it this bead? He said that Linger should be kept for him, and Linger would return in the future."

The white face is light and heavy.

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