Those in front of him saw that Emperor Cang did not intend to start, but let the little guy around him take a shot, and felt a sneer in his heart, and immediately rushed toward the person in front.

The man's back was greeted with light. At that moment, his eyebrows were stained with **** moonlight, and they were all beautiful.

"Xiao Mi, let's go."

Turbulent, white little morning tender voice sounds under the night, echoing for a long time.

Behind Bai Xiaochen, the figure of the teenager gradually became huge. After half a ring, he turned into a mighty white tiger. He snarled and flew to the back of Bai Xiaochen.

Bai Xiaochen, with a slight force, stood on the back of the white tiger. He had a long sword in his hand, and his little face had a natural domineering.

Zhuque Qinglong and Xuanwu four beasts also have a move...

The sky is more red-faced by the flames of Suzaku, and the sound of the warning sounds in the mouth of the Qinglong, the guardian of Xuanwu is behind Bai Xiaochen.

They are like three warriors, powerful enough to be like gods, only to guard this world...


The blood stained the flowers in the mountains and plains, making the original flower sea that was originally blooming more enchanting.

The buzz of the battle kept ringing, but there were still countless people in the pool of blood...

The little bun has a long sword in his hand, and his tender face fades away from innocence, and instead is arrogant and domineering.

At this moment, Bai Xiaochen is like a king, not a child who is wrapped around his mother.

The blood was built on the pink bun's face. He rubbed the blood on his back, but he didn't stop moving. He still sat on the back of Xiaomi and rushed into the enemy group...

Emperor Cang looked at the movement of the little buns. His glorious smile was on his brilliant face. He also had a rare appreciation. The phoenix of Zhang Yang always stared at the little buns that had been stained with blood, and the lips gradually rose.

Behind the crowd, Emperor Xiaoyun was hiding behind him every day. Her eyes were worried and staring at the little buns in the enemy group, and her lips were bitten.

I really don't know what Wang Xiong thinks. I actually let Bai Xiaochen face so many enemies, even if she has the help of the White Tiger and the Four Beasts, but... this move is still too dangerous.

In case the little guy made a mistake, don't say that the blind man would look for him to settle accounts, even she didn't want to recognize this brother...

Every time with Bai Xiaochen moving forward, Emperor Xiaoyun’s heart jumped out nervously. If she needed to take care of her little days, she would like to rush to help him...

"Little aunt," every day pulled the sleeves of La Di Xiaoyun, his baby's fat face with innocent and curious light. "Why do you want your big brother to fight alone? Big brother is blood, I am good." worry……"

Emperor Xiaoyun whispered, looking at the little guy in the arms, her face barely showed a smile.

"Don't worry every day, it's not the blood of your big brother, it's the blood of others. You want your big brother to fight, I want to train him."

"Is it?" Every day, I turned my little head and continued to look at Bai Xiaochen. His eyes sparkled with stars, full of envy. "The big brother is so strong, I will become as strong as my big brother in the future!"

He wants to fight side by side with his big brother, but he is too weak and too weak, so it is impossible to allow him to go up...

However, when he grows up, he can be as strong as his big brother.

Emperor Xiaoyun’s heart was soft, and she raised her hand and pinched the buns face every day.

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