She was originally a character who didn't like being close to people.随-梦- . lā

Xiao Linger is a girl, so it is an exception, but this little guy... is a boy, she has no habit of getting along with boys.

"Miss sister, why don't you ignore me?"

Every day, the grievances licked her lips, and went up to the small hand of La Ji Qing song, looking at him with pity.

"I..." Ji Qingge couldn't stand the grievances of this little guy, and didn't know how to get along with the little boy. He hurriedly looked at Linger with his helpless eyes.

She hopes that Linger can help her...

Xiao Linger raised his hand and slammed it. He shot the little claws every day and said with a sigh of relief: "Miss Qingge is my friend, you will scare her away."

The gaze of every day became more and more pitiful. He licked his hand and turned his head to look at the fierce little spirit. ..

"I want to play with Miss Sister..."

"Not allowed!"

Xiao Linger with his hands on his hips, a very fierce look: "She is not familiar with you, you can not force others to play with you, do not understand?"

This guy is obviously her brother, how does she feel that she has to teach him a lot of things...

He wants to be a friend with Miss Qingge, how to use this forced means? If she scared away, she would not have a good friend...

"Is it fun to play together later?" asked every day with a smile.

Xiaolinger thought about it and nodded. "After getting familiar with it, Qingge sister agreed, you can play together, you must not scare her."

"Okay, okay," smiled very cute every day. He turned his eyes to Ji Qingge again. "Miss sister, if you and I are friends, except for those foods, I can give you other things."

In the eyes of everyone, the first important thing is food.

Everything else is secondary.

As long as he does not steal his food as a life, other things, he can give her...

It is a pity that there are no other items except the hidden food.

Ji Qingge's face was reddish, and her look was a bit awkward. She hurried back a few steps and walked behind Xiao Linger.

"Two brothers, don't pester your sister, I will give you my little pet."

After Xiaolinger was silent for a while, she took the little cockroach who was sleeping on her shoulder and put it in front of every day.

"Give, this is my little pet, you are better with it, you can't bully it, you know?"

Otaru had a good night's sleep, and was awakened by the action of Xiao Linger. It stunned the eyes of the sleepy eyes and just opened his eyes...

For a time, a baby's face was magnified in front of his eyes, and his mouth was filled with saliva, and his eyes were looking at it.

"It's a chicken, and it looks so good."


After saying this, I swallowed every day, and I wish I could rush to eat the little cockroach now.


Otaru was strongly frightened, and suddenly he was three feet high. His feathers were erected and he was terrified.

"You don't have to worry about it, you won't eat you," Xiao Linger patted Xiao Xiao's small head, and another slap in the back of his head. "Xiao Xiao is my little friend. You can't eat it."

Every day, the grievances touched the back of the head and turned to look at Bai Xiaochen: "Big brother, why did Linger go out... I became so fierce?"

Before, he took away the food of Linger, and Linger still smiled at him.

Why is it so fierce now? It is as if there is a flame in the body of Linger, it is easy to erupt.

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