Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1842: Emperor Xiaoyun's decision (9)

Emperor Cang’s face changed awkwardly. *With *dream*small*.lā

"You continue to say."

"On that day, someone put the beads in the body of Linger..."

Next, Bai Yan said what happened in the field of inflammation one by one.

Including the incident that Wen Yunfeng became Tianyan...

Even if it is a long story short, but Emperor Cang still knows exactly what happened, and his dawn flashed an unknown light.

"Yan, let's go see Xiaoling, I have to make sure that this bead is dangerous to her, whether it is good or bad!"

"it is good."

White lips, nod.

Subsequently, Emperor Cang took the hand of Bai Yan, and the two quickly walked out of the room and went to the wing where the little Linger lived.


In the room.

Bai Xiaochen sat on the bed, his little hand patted Xiao Linger, and a song was in his mouth, and he was sleeping with this little milk buns.

The little milk buns were a little sleepy. She stared at her sleepy eyes and yawned lazily and looked sleepy.

Seeing the little milk buns will sleep in his song, the door is pushed open.

Bai Xiaochen suddenly stood up. When he saw Emperor Cang and Bai Yan walking into the room, his heart slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mother, father, how come you? The little Linger is going to fall asleep..."

Emperor Cang went to the window and lifted Bai Xiaochen and threw it aside, lest he delay his sight.

Immediately, the mental power was released by him, detecting the body of Xiao Linger.

Above the heart of the little milk buns, a bead is lying quietly, with a layer of flame around the beads, but there is no tendency to erupt.

The heart of Emperor Cang’s tightness was also calmed down at this moment.

But he has long been accustomed to emotional restraint, so that the face of the enchanting enchanting has not changed.

"Hey, are you looking at the beads in Linger's body?" Xiaolinger sat up with her eyes open. She saw the meaning of Emperor Cang at a glance, and smiled slyly. "You don't have to worry, Ling." I feel that this bead will not hurt Linger."


Bai Xiaochen's lovely brow wrinkled: "What beads? Niang, father, what happened?"

Bai Yan turned to look at Bai Xiaochen and nodded slightly: "In the heart of Linger, there is a red bead with a flame. I am afraid that the flame will hurt her, and this will make you come over and help her." ”

At that moment, the white face of Bai Xiaochen was immediately white. He looked nervously at Xiaoling, and the little heart began to pounce.

"Beads? Why is there a bead in the heart of Linger? Father, will the beads hurt Linger? Her body is so small and so weak that she can't stand the burning of the flame."

It is no wonder that every day, Linger has been said to be fierce. He also found that her temper is somewhat different from before.

It’s hard to be... is the impact of this bead?

Although Bai Xiaochen feels that the little genius is also very cute, he is very worried that the flame of the beads will affect her body...

Emperor Cang collected his mental strength. His brows were wrinkled. After a long time, he said: "There will be no impact for the time being. I don't feel any maliciousness in the beads, but I can't say it later, Yan Er, this matter. Give it to me, I will find a way to take out this bead."

Don't look at the beads, it's calm now, who knows if it will happen one day, and the consequences of this outbreak, they can't afford it........

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