"Tomorrow, your mother will take you back to the mainland. I only have one night today. On the contrary, you are longer than my mother."

Emperor Cang's domineering look down on Bai Xiaochen, said slowly.

Bai Xiaochen blinked his eyes.

How did he forget this? Anyway, after tomorrow, he still has a lot of time to stick to his mother, and today he will not be robbed with his father.


Just when he just wanted to speak, the voice of Emperor Cong’s domineering sounded again.

"Of course, even if your mother didn't intend to take you back to the mainland tomorrow, you kid... don't want to grab a woman from your son!"

The man is arrogant, even if he is facing his own son, he is not at all polite.

The face of Bai Xiaochen was almost cracked. He looked at the man like the emperor with a stunned look. His eyes were full of mistakes.

"Linger, you are going to stick your brother."

Emperor Cang unscrupulously smashed Xiao Linger from Bai Yan’s arms and threw it to Bai Xiaochen, who was holding it. ..


In the face of this daughter, the domineering in the Emperor Cangfeng smashed, the tone was softer.

"Don't let him wrap my wife."

Xiao Linger ignorant, she turned her head and looked at Emperor Cang and Bai Yan, and looked back at Bai Xiaochen who caught her.

Suddenly, her clever big eyes turned and smiled and hooked the white Xiaochen's neck.

"Big brother, Linger wants to listen to the story. Does the big brother tell the story before going to bed to listen to Linger?"

The soft and crisp sound of the small milk buns instantly sprouted the heart of Bai Xiaochen.

At that moment, his heart was full of such a cute little girl who wanted to be transformed.

I can't wait to give everything to her, let alone a bedtime story?

"Well, that big brother will tell you a story about sleeping beauty..."

"Sleeping beauty? Is she beautiful?"

Xiao Linger’s cute eyes flashed with big eyes, and all the faces were curious.

Bai Xiaochen groaned, he hesitated for a while: "It should be beautiful, but there must be no mother and spirit."

“Really?” Xiao Linger is like a curious baby, and his eyes are not looking at Bai Xiaochen. “Big brother, have you ever seen a sleeping beauty?”

"I haven't seen it, is it true that I have seen it? This story was told to me by my mother, and there are so many, Snow White, Cinderella, and..."


When Bai Xiaochen was entangled in Xiaolinger, Emperor Cang had already picked up Bai Yan, and his figure was like a red smog, and his eyes disappeared into the courtyard of the harem.

After half a ring, it has already fallen into the palace.

Above the luxurious palace, there is a noble red bed, and the bed yarn is swaying in the wind, beautiful dreams.

The man’s silver hair is like a demon, and his purple robe. He is holding a red woman and slowly walks to the big bed, and slowly puts her on the bed.

His movements are very light, just like being afraid of accidents, it will hurt her like...

The red bed yarn passed over the bodies of two people, like a hand gently stroking them.

"Yan, I miss you very much..."

Since he first met, he was destined to fall in, and he could not extricate himself in this life.

The same is true.

In this life, his greatest fortune was to know her, and succeeded in gaining her heart...

So, what regrets in this life?


In the wind, the robes are all falling, and looking through the moonlight outside the window, only two looming bodies can be seen.

The red bed yarn masked the scenery on the bed and also concealed everything they did today...

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