"Master, mother and son come back with Linger, Linger is already very happy, do not need to meet."

The little Linger smiled and his eyes were bent into crescent moons, lovely and bright.

Zheng Qi stunned and screamed out loudly: "Yan Er, the character of this child is too similar to the early morning, and it is all your children, all of them are excellent, hahaha."

Laughing and smiling, his eyes were a bit sour, and the tears almost flowed down.

His apprentice is also very good.

Excellent, even his master can't catch up with her footsteps.

"Master, I am looking back at you this time. I have already made people look for clothes. Can the Lord be in the Holy Land?" Bai Yan looked up at Zheng Qi and asked for his voice.

"The Holy Lord has never left the Holy Land. Now he knows that you are very excited to come back. How long have you been living here?"

When talking about this, Zheng Qi’s look was tense, and he kept holding his palms, trying to ease his inner urgency.

Bai Yan naturally knows that they want to let her stay for a while, but just think that she has other things to do, it is shaking her head without any self.

"Master Father, Second Master, Three Masters, I will see that you are leaving. Later I will visit their grandfather, so there is no way to stay."

In fact, Zheng Qi had already known the answer. Now, when he heard Bai Yan say this, he felt a little disappointed.

He sighed for a long time, and the old voice slowly sounded: "It doesn't matter, anyway, this holy place will always be your home, we will always be your loved ones, when will you come back, the Holy Land will always welcome you, the Holy Land you live in." Island, we will also help you look after you, waiting for you to come back here."

For Bai Yan, she has a wider world.

But for these three years old and old, they only have this apprentice.

She is already theirs, so they can’t bear to let her stay in the Holy Land.

"Several masters," Bai Yan’s heart was sour, this holy place was a few years old with a few old men, but there was nothing wrong with them. They had an extremely important position in her heart. "I promise you, wait for me to take all of them." Everything is solved, I will come back to you, ok?"

Qiu Shurong laughed a few times: "Baby, you don't have to worry about us, do your things, if there is a need, don't worry about us, after all, we only have you a baby."

"Yan Er, the second Master does not know what to say to you, you only need to understand that our holy island will always be your backing. If it is dangerous, come back, we will also protect your safety."

Ren Yi’s look is dignified and his tone is serious.

"I understand" the face of the white face raised a smile, she slowly extended her arms and hugged the old body of the wing.

Feel free, she embraced Zheng Qi and Qiu Rong.

Her eyes are faint smiles, but also a little bit moving.

"For me, you are not only my master, but also my father. As the saying goes, one day is a teacher, life is a husband, even if you are older, but for me, just like a father. Exist, no matter how high I stand in the future, my site will definitely have a place for you."

Her feelings with the three masters, others may not understand, but she will never forget that these three old men gave her concern and love.

When she was in the Holy Land, they really wanted to give all the good things to her, and even more I wanted to eradicate anyone who had hurt her.

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