"Shut up! Wait until you bring back your wife and talk to me again. Before that, I don't want to say a word to a man who doesn't even have a wife!"

Bai Changfeng squinted at Bai Zhanpeng and screamed fiercely.

This time, Bai Zhanpeng no longer spoke. He could only look at Bai Yan with his helpless eyes.

When he was not seeing his eyes, Bai Yan said with a smile: "If you dare to be good, you don't have to bother my son. Hey, in the future... the medicine still needs to rely on you."

Hearing this, Bai Zhanpeng’s face is greener. Does this little girl really think that she can’t bring back a woman?

Anyway, the morning child is still early, at least for more than ten years. In his ten years, he still can't find a woman who loves her.

If it wasn’t for his previous thoughts that he was not talking about love, maybe he had already said goodbye to singles...

"Let's go."

After Bai Yan greeted a few people in Bai Changfeng, he looked down at the three children around him.

"We return to the country of fire."


Since the appearance of Bai Yan in the Holy Land, the news of her return has spread out at a whirlwind speed.

At this moment, inside the demon beast, the lord Fang Yufeng just heard the report of his subordinates, and suddenly stood up, his voice was a little nervous.

"You mean... white girl and little son are back?"

"The enlightenment of the lord, it is indeed someone who saw the white girl went to the Holy Land, and now she should go in the direction of the medicine door."

The people underneath are respectful reports.

Fang Yufeng sat down slowly, his chest was ups and downs because he was too excited.

"Let the elders of the demon to visit the white **** behalf of the demon beast. No, no, I still go to see it personally. After all, the white girl today is stronger than ever."

At that time, he did not know the identity of Bai Yan, the only thing he knew was the fact that Bai Xiaochen was the person of the demon beast.

So from that time on, the demon sects belonged to the little son.

Until later, he realized that Bai Yan was not only a disciple of the elders of the Holy Land, but also a granddaughter of the drug doorkeeper, the granddaughter of the illusionist.

Her husband is the king of the demon world, ruling the beast!

At that time, his heart was fortunate, fortunately, he found the real person of the beast of the eternal beast, not the same as the world, he thought Nan Gonglin thought of him...

Fang Yufeng slowly closed his eyes, and he recalled all the same years, and opened his eyes. ..

"I don't know if the people of Baijia and the Prince's House are still alive today, will they regret it for the first time? Unfortunately, those people are not able to see this, but they don't know... the real identity of the white girl."

However, even if they only know that the white girl is a disciple of the elders of the Holy Land, it is enough for them to repent of the intestines.


Flowing country.

The noisy sounds in the restaurant's tea pots, the street hawkers sipping as always, the whole street is extremely lively.

When Bai Yan was still in the house of the country of the fire, it was still as clean as before, and it was thought that the flowers were not sent to clean.

at this time……

Bai Yan suddenly stopped.

Her gaze slowly turned and her eyes fell within the house next door.

In the house, there was a voice of a ghost crying, accompanied by the snoring of a middle-aged man, a small fat man rolling out of the house.

His crying nose and tears are all over his face. The fat face has been squeezed by the meat and can't be seen even with his eyes. It looks like a ball from afar.

"Bad boy, you really don't hit the house for three days, actually dare to slap the girls in the street, seeing that I don't interrupt your legs today!"

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