Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1889: The people of the illusion have also come (eight)

"I don't mean this, it's the kind of love you and your mother."

Wang Xiaopang is eager to scratch his head. The boss is usually so smart. How is it so confused about feelings?

"Wang Xiaopang," Bai Xiaochen frowned. "You are a child, don't talk about these love and love things all day long. My mother said that early love is wrong, chaos - round is not right, Longer is me. My sister, I only use her as a sister, not to mention... I am still small, I just want to accompany my mother and not want to marry my wife."

Wang Xiaopeng’s heart was put down, hehe smiled: "Boss, you don't want to lick Longer, then I will go hard. If you like her boss, you can't be a boss and you can't grab a woman with the boss, so..."

Seeing Bai Xiaochen and another foot came over, Wang Xiaopang hurriedly hid a few times, and almost grievously cried.

"Boss, is this habit of yours learning with your mother? I am wrong, I am really wrong, I will never play the idea of ​​Longer sister again, you let me go..."

When Wang Xiaopeng fell, Bai Xiaochen took his foot back.

"Wang Xiaopeng, I said really, you can go to the demon world to find me later, and I should leave immediately..." He raised his hand and patted Wang Xiaopeng’s shoulder and said, "As long as you Don't hit the idea of ​​my two sisters, you are my good brother all my life."

Wang Xiaopang’s dawn flashed.

Don't hit the idea of ​​his two sisters? In other words, when the boss has a third sister, can he make an idea?

"Boss, to be honest, I really can't bear you," Wang Xiaopeng wiped his tears. "You will come back to see me later, we haven't seen each other for years..."

"I will, when all things are done, I will come back to see you with my mother. In addition, I have not finished eating the snacks that my mother recently prepared for me. Now I will give them to you."

Bai Xiaochen was reluctant to take out the medicinal herbs that Wang Xiaopeng had prepared.

Who knows that the drug was in the hand, Wang Xiaopeng’s eyes suddenly brightened, and he rushed to grab the drug from his palm.

"Hey, my boss has sent me a drug."


When Wang Deqiu heard this voice, he quickly ran out of the Wang family. At a glance, he saw Wang Xiaopeng’s high-lifted porcelain bottle, and the depth of his eyes glowed.

"Quick, let me see what effect these medicinal drugs have."

He grabbed the drug in his hand and immediately turned and walked into the Wang family.

Wang Xiaopeng is dumbfounded. These are obviously given to him by the boss. How have they been taken away?

"Hey, don't finish it all, leave me some."

He was anxious, and he did not care for Bai Xiaochen behind him. The fat body was like a round ball, and he quickly chased Wang Deqiu who had just left.

Bai Xiaochen stood in the breeze, sadly watching the fat shadow of Wang Xiaofeng’s head.

Say good, can't bear him?

A bottle of remedy makes him look like it?

He licked his lips and looked at the door of the king's house again. He turned sadly and went in the direction of the blue house.

Just before he left, he turned his head again and looked at the direction in which Wang Xiaopang left.

"Sure enough, the child can't believe it, and I won't believe in Wang Xiaopeng again in the future."

At this moment, Bai Xiaochen has forgotten that he is just a child...

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