The heart of Tsing Yi trembled, and she held her fist tightly and took a deep breath.

"Do you know where the king went?"

"The place where the king went... is a field, but there are not many masters in the field, but if you want to pass that road, the conditions are extremely harsh..." Suzaku raised his head, and she now thinks about that place. The place is still full of fear in the eyes.

Tsing Yi was the first to see such a Suzaku.

This woman is naturally domineering and demon, it seems that she is never afraid of fear, but now, there is a place where she can be ashamed of her as long as she thinks.

"Suzaku, can the king go through that road and find what he wants to find?"

"I don't know..." Suzaku shook his head. "I only know that those who walked on that road will surely see the most terrible nightmare in their hearts, and will also enlarge the inner fear to the wireless, if not from the inner nightmare, I will never be able to go out from this road."

"And, the nightmare is only one of them. There will be fire and knife rain on the road. These fires are not affordable for the body, even if the power is big."

Suzaku's face is somewhat white, and she only needs to think of the dangers of that place, which will make her heart more and more panic.

"More importantly, the people who created this field are the ancestors of our demon world. The ancestors of the demon world hate humanity. It seems that a woman of humanity has taken away her beloved man. After the field, all human beings will be more seriously hurt! This is why Wang does not let the master go."

Tsing Yi finally understood why Suzaku was so horrified at that place.

Even the beasts are like this. The owner is a human being. Isn’t it more dangerous to go to the field?

After all, the people who created the field hate humans so much that they will not let humans suffer the same damage as the monsters.

"What can I do?" Tsing Yi’s dawn sank. "If the queen knows, she will definitely..."

Suddenly, the voice of Tsing Yi stopped.

Her cold eyes were wide and horrified, looking at the woman who walked slowly from the front.

The woman's red dress is in the world, and she has a faint smile on her lips. The black scorpion of the publicity falls on the body of Suzaku and Tsing Yi.

Suzaku also hurriedly stood up and looked at Bai Yan with a nervous face.

When did the queen appear? Why are they not feeling anything?

"Let's say, Suzaku, Qinglong, what are you doing with me?"

The face of Bai Yan’s lips was raised and the domineering was natural. Under her pressure, the foreheads of Suzaku and Tsing Yi did not feel cold sweat, and my heart was a little worried.

What did they hear in the end?

"Suzaku," Bai Yan smashed his throat, and his eyes fell on Suzaku again. "I will give you another chance, where did Emperor Cang go?"

Suzaku's face turned white, and cold sweat ran down the forehead. She bit her lip and shook her head: "Master, I can't say."

If she said it, the host would definitely go all the way. Maybe she went, and she would never come back again...

"Don't you say?" Bai Yan's eyes are cold and stunned. "Suzaku, although I haven't remembered all the memories of my previous life, but I also know that you followed me from birth, then I am for you, in the end What? Even my words are not willing to listen?"

Suzaku stepped back a few steps, and she still clenched her teeth and refused to speak a word.

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