Bai Ning was angry, and the sword held tightly in her hand rushed out with strong power. It seemed like a storm and rain from the whole body. The whole mountain and the moment were destroyed by her power and turned into a flat land. .

The people in the field of inflammation have returned to the side of Bai Ning. Since the body of the lord has been destroyed, they have not abandoned the reason for Bai Ning to leave alone.


The old man of the gray cannon stood faintly behind Bai Ning. However, he looked at the anger of Liu Chenshuang’s eyes and his face was filled with coldness.

"After we break, you first find the lord in the field of inflammation."

Once the flesh is destroyed, the seal will be cracked. If the lord comes, maybe... there is a chance to avenge them.

If Bai Ning did not hear them, she had already taken the lead in moving Liu Chenhuang.

Liu Chenshuang looked indifferently at the woman who rushed to her eyes. She shook her lips at a shallow depth, and there was a disdain in the bottom of her eyes.


She was so accommodating, a wind greeted Bai Ning, and a bang slammed into Bai Ning's chest. Bai Ning's footsteps retreated a few steps, and a blood rushed out of his mouth. His face was more than just now. It is pale.

Other strong people saw this scene, and also quickly rushed around the dust.

Liu Chenshuang is standing under the gust of wind, and it is a plain white robe.

It is a pity that the hatred in her eyebrows has destroyed that beauty, and it is horrible and indifferent.

Liu Yexin and Mo Xinyan stood underneath, and their eyes were always watching the Liuchen cream standing under the wind. They didn't talk, they didn't do it, they just stood quietly.

After all... The strength of these people is not as strong as that of Liu Chenshuang, but they are much stronger than them. If they take the shot, they are only dead.

"I don't care!"

Liu Chenshuang smirked and looked down at the people around her. Her eyes were full of irony and contempt.

At that moment, the power broke out from her body, and as the same wave of light rushed around, those strong in the field just approached Liu Chenshuang, they suffered this heavy blow, and everyone’s body was smashed. Turned out, the wolverine fell from the void.

"The Lord is strong!"

The strength of this woman is in the realm of the lord... and it is not much different from their lords.

The old man of the gray cannon bit his teeth, and his gaze once again looked at the body of the infuriating body on the ground, and the endless anger almost swallowed his reason.

He slowly stood up from the ground, his body was like a gust of wind, and it was only in an instant that he had already arrived at Liu Yexin.

A long sword was placed on the neck of Liu Yexin. He sneered at the corner of his mouth and looked up at the dusty dust inside the void.

"Let our lady go, otherwise I will kill your daughter."

The battle in the sky came to an abrupt end, and both sides stopped moving.

Bai Ning wiped the blood of the corner of his mouth, and looked down at the old man in the gray cannon holding the Liu Ye heart. Liu Mei was shallow and wrinkled, silent.

In the past, with her pride and self-respect, she will never let the people under her work to do this threatening enemy.


This woman has destroyed the body of Tianyan!

Therefore, even if the old ash gun kidnapped the daughter of Liu Chenshuang, she would not say a word.

A glimpse of Liu Chen’s frost, looking down at the girl who was framed by the long sword in the hands of the old man in the ash cannon, shallowly hooked the lips.

"She is just my righteous woman. It is a dispensable existence for me. If it wasn't for the care I needed before, I wouldn't take her with me. You have to kill and kill. Her life and death have nothing to do with it. I can't let this woman go for a single woman."

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