A long sword crossed the sky, coming quickly and hitting her in front of her.

Her body is so stiff that she can't move, she can only watch the long sword stabbing her heart...

At this moment, she suddenly understood that she really wanted to kill her.



Suddenly, the old gunner who had driven Liu Yexin’s heart manually took a moment and pulled Liu Yexin away from the distance. The long sword pierced her shoulder and the blood burst out.

Of course, if it is not the action of the old man of the gray cannon, perhaps the heart of Liu Yexin will be pierced by a long sword...

The wind is very cold.

But compared to the coolness of the wind, Liu Yexin only feels cool.

She couldn't even feel the headache on her shoulders. She only noticed that the heart was hurting by one hand, and her tears could not stop flowing...

"Do you really want to kill your own daughter?" The old gunner looked up at Liu Chenshuang, and his heart was even more angry and blazed.

He has never seen a person like Liu Chenshuang, cruel to make him feel chilling.

"I said, for me, she is a negligible existence. One of you who is here today, don't want to escape, let alone threaten me with Liu Yexin. She is not worthy of letting me let you go." qualifications!"

She still doesn't deserve to let me pass your qualifications!

Every word of Liu Chenshuang will make the heart of Liu Yexin more and more fragmented. She can already feel that her heart is dripping with blood, and the painful eyebrows are slowly compared.

Mo Xinyan said that it is all right, the mother never loves her, she doesn’t care about her...

She doesn't care about her, why... want to kill her?

Just because she is too stupid and stupid, is it a shame?

"Mother," Liu Yexin's heart with tears raised his head, his eyes once again looking at Liu Chenshuang. "If... I can become smarter, would you love me?"

Liu Chenshuang sneered and sneered: "Your presence is my shame. I shouldn't have brought you back."

Liu Yexin was already desperate, but after hearing the words of Liu Chenshuang, her heart was hurt again.

It turns out that no matter whether she is stupid or clever, she will not like her...

She is just the most redundant one in the world!

Mo Xinyan was also shocked by the behavior of Liu Chenshuang.

Although she does not like Liu Yexin, Liu Yexin is a daughter that Master has adopted for many years. But now Master can actually kill her with her heart?

Then I am only to Master, is it at a critical moment, or can I be abandoned?

Her heart was also cold and thorough, her feet retreating toward the back, her lips biting, and in the sun, her face was white and bloodless.

Fortunately, in the field of inflammation, no one cares about Mo Xinyan, naturally it will not catch her threatening Liu Chenshuang.


Even if they use Mo Xinyan as a threat, Liu Chenshuang will not compromise.

She can even give up even her daughter, let alone... Mo Xinyan is just an apprentice?

Liu Chenshuang didn't take a look at Liu Yexin again, and once again fell on Bai Ning's body. Her cold smile, the temperature of the whole body dropped so much that the air in the whole mountain range was cold. .

"You have to kill her and kill, no need to ask me, now I will kill you first."

Suddenly, after the words of Liu Chenshuang fell, he had already arrived behind Bai Ning.

Her palms fell heavily on the back of Bai Ning. Bai Ning's body crossed a curve in the air, and then fell from the sky. The ground was thrown by her and a humanoid trace was drawn.

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