Since Tian Yan sealed the field, this kind of pleasure has disappeared. Now the seal is cracked, and the future fields will usher in a never-ending battle...


Compared with the joys of many fields, after Tian Yan felt the crack of the seal again, his face suddenly became white, and a blood spurted out and landed on the land in front of him.


When the guards saw Tian Yan’s mouth squirting blood, he was shocked and hurriedly rushed forward to hold his body.

Tianyan stood up under the help of the guards. His body was a little crumbling: "The seal was cracked...Ninger definitely in danger."

If Ninger is not dangerous, how can the seal be cracked by those people? It can be seen that it is definitely a trouble with Ninger.

Thinking about this, Tian Yan's handsome face was flustered. He pushed open the guards who supported him and ran to the door quickly.


The guards were shocked and chased out.

The speed of Tianyan is very fast. In the blink of an eye, he has already reached the door of the lord's house. His heart is flustered and even more. When he wants to win the door, a light white figure has already appeared in Tianyan's eyes.

He stopped and stared at Bai Ning from the outside, his eyes were reluctant to move away from her.

Bai Ning also stopped the pace. She licked her lips and her eyes were filled with sputum: "Yunfeng, I didn't... I couldn't protect your body, sorry..."

After the body is destroyed, it will not be released immediately. Instead, the soul that needs to be sealed in the body will gradually disappear and the seal will be released.

Therefore, when Bai Ning came back, it happened to be the moment when the seal was cracked, which would make her meet with Tianyan at the door.

Tian Yan suddenly stepped forward, tightly holding the body of Bai Ning, she almost could not breathe.

"You're fine, you're fine."

At this moment, his voice was shaking, and he was already afraid of the extreme.

He was afraid... afraid of losing her again because of her own reasons.

Bai Ning raised his hand and gently stroked the back of Tian Yan: "You don't blame me?"

"No wonder, as long as you are fine, I will not blame you. If you leave me behind, then I will certainly blame you for a lifetime," Tian Yan said with a smile. "So, no matter what you do, you must protect it." Own, otherwise... I will certainly blame you for letting me be alone for so many years."

Bai Ning's face is more apologetic. If it is not her strength, she can't beat the woman. Maybe the body will not be destroyed.

"Yunfeng, the seals of all fields have been cracked. The enemies of Emperor Cang will definitely go to the demon world to find him. We must now find a way to deal with the next battle."

Tianyan brows wrinkled, his eyes turned to the sky not far away, holding Bai Ning's hand slightly hard.

"I am afraid now... we have no way to go to the demon world."


Bai Ning stunned, and as she looked up, she saw the crowd of black people swooping toward them, and instantly spread all over the sky.

Among those people, the strengths of the leading people are extremely powerful. Their pressure is like a giant mountain crushing. She almost can't breathe.

"The lord... those who are in the front row are all in power."

Bai Ning clenched his fists and ran a layer of cold sweat on his forehead. His back was soaked in sweat and tightly attached to his back.

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