
Looking at the strong people in front of me, Xiaomi’s heart was lifted tightly.

"Princess, you and the emperor left, leave now!"

Xiaomi stood up and flew away toward the strong man in front. He opened his mouth and bit it.

The strong man flashed very fast, so Xiaomi couldn't bite his head. However, his teeth were tightly tied to the shoulders of the strong, and his life was not loose.

"Let's go!"

The middle-aged man in a yellow shirt was furious and angered, and his palm shot to Xiaomi’s head. Xiaomi’s mouth made a muffled sound, still not Panasonic his mouth.

Tear off!

It bite his shoulders, tearing it hard, and the flesh and blood are directly torn off by him. The painful middle-aged man makes a heartbreaking sound.

at the same time……

A golden light has already raided and will fall into the body of Xiaomi.

When Xiaomi turned her head, she was facing Jianguang. It wanted to dodge, obviously it was too late...

At the moment when Jianguang attacked, a pale yellow figure flashed from the front and stopped in front of him.


Jianguang entered the body, a muffled sound, very clear.

Xiaomi’s eyes narrowed sharply, and the heart stopped beating at this moment.

The whole world is like a calm...

Under the sky.

The girl in the yellow skirt stretched out her arms and stopped in front of Xiaomi. Her body slowly fell down and the blood stained her yellow skirt.

Such eye-catching is also to make Xiaomi's body froze...

Until the girl was about to land, Xiaomi Fang reacted. He panicked a few steps forward and used his huge body to catch the body that was about to fall.

A ray of light shrouded the small body of Xiaomi. After a long ringing, a white-faced boy appeared in his original place.

Juvenile robes, handsome face, his skin is very white, white to almost transparent, the original pink lips have lost their blood at this moment.

"Crazy girl! Why are you coming? Why are you coming to the palace?"

When he said this, his voice was trembling, his hand trembled with a medicinal herb, and one piece was stuffed into the girl's mouth.

"I... came to you," the tears of the girl's grievances fell. "And then I saw that these people wanted to kill you. I took control of my brain when I acted... but I hurt, oh... ...I hurt so much..."

"I know it hurts, are you still rushing over?"

When the teenager's face was white, he did not know when there was a tear in his eyes. He wiped his lower eye corner with his hand and held the girl in his arms tightly.

"Future husband... Will I die?"

Huang Xiaoying raised her tearful eyes: "I miss you, if I am dead...you...you can help me and say sorry to him, I have always been so pitted, but I still love him very much. ...and my grandmother, she certainly can't accept the news, when... you help me take care of her."

"Shut up!" The boy screamed angrily. "Who said that you will die? You will not talk about me anymore, I will not care about you. I have medicinal herbs here, many and many remedies, you will never die!" ”

Huang Xiaoying lifted her hand weakly. She looked at the handsome face of the boy: "That... if I don't die, can you marry me?"

Her eyes are full of hopes and look at the teenager.

Perhaps, marrying Xiaomi is her long-cherished wish in this life.

The young man's hand feeding her medicinal herbs was more trembling. He wiped his tears with sorrow: "Wait for you, let's talk about it. If you recover well, you will be able to wrap me like you used to..."

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