
Xiaomi slammed into the foremost one, and the man’s body suddenly fell to the rear. After half an hour, he stabilized his footsteps in the air.

However, Xiaomi’s strength is even stronger, and there are too many people in front of him.

He has just broken through, and naturally he is not good at it.

"You stopped this white tiger, I went to kill the little girl."

The middle-aged man had a cold eye. When he was surrounded by other people, he rushed down.

The thing that Ji Qingge worried about finally happened. She hurriedly pulled out the long sword and blocked it in front of Xiao Linger.

That little body is full of determination and courage.

Ji Qingge is a good talent, but unfortunately, her age is too small, so, for the young Linger to block this middle-aged man, she has made a determination to die.

Therefore, the delicate face has a choice of death.


Xiaomi was angry, and he forced the person in the forefront to rush back below.


He is still a little slower.

The middle-aged man has already arrived in front of Ji Qingge.

The middle-aged man’s mouth was sneer, and he looked down at Ji Qingge, who was blocking the little Linger, and his eyes flashed a scorn.

"Get out!"

He waved his hand.

This palm with the power to destroy the earth and the ground, enough to make the eyes of Ji Qing song instantly killed.

Of course, the middle-aged man also deliberately killed the killer. A child under the age of ten would dare to stop the person he wanted to kill so arrogantly. Then he killed the girl first and then solved the little girl behind.

"Don't move the song to the sister!"

A crisp sound suddenly came, and the middle-aged man’s palms trembled.

He looked up, but saw that the beautiful little girl didn't know when it had appeared in front of him, and the anger was flashing in the clear eyes.

The middle-aged man did not clean up and waved his hand to Ji Qingge’s head.

"I said, you are not allowed to hurt her, have you not heard it? Don't bully her!!!"

The voice of Xiao Linger was surging.

After her words fell, her body showed a flame, and immediately raided to middle-aged men.

The middle-aged man’s hand has not yet touched Ji Qingge, and the layer of flame has surrounded his entire body. In an instant, his voice is tearing his heart and spreading through the entire demon world.

After half a ring, the flame disappeared.

Men are also in this flame to become ashes...

The battle stopped involuntarily.

Everyone in the sky was stunned, and suddenly looked at the ashes floating in the wind, and a feeling of panic came from their hearts.

"Run! Run!"

Those people were frightened by the sudden bursting of the spirit of Linger, and they no longer want to fight, and turned to go in the direction of the demon mountain.

Under the **** sky, the figures of those who are strong in the field have disappeared...

Xiao Linger’s body fell to the ground, her hand stretched out, trying to catch something so that her body was not planted.

Ji Qingge was shocked and quickly went forward to catch the body of Xiao Linger.

Xiaomi’s face has also changed, and she is going forward quickly...

Even every day, he took his heavy steps. When he approached the little Linger, he simply rushed to the ground and wanted to let Xiao Linger fall on him...


At this moment, a figure swiftly came from the sky not far away, and fell firmly in front of Xiao Linger and caught her soft body.

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