虞翎 虞翎 眉 : : "First leave the demon king palace, this is the most insecure, and then find a way to find the queen."

After leaving this, he took the lead and walked outside the door.

In his arms, he held a small, soft and light body, and even the cold eyes became very gentle at the moment.

"The emperor, let's go."

Ji Qingge took a small hand every day and walked outside the door.

Huang Xiaoying silently trailed behind her. Before she left, she looked back at the direction of the demon mountain and held her fist tightly.

"Xiao Mi, I believe in you, you will definitely come back alive, I will wait for you..."

If he doesn't come back...

Then she will wait for a lifetime.

Since she met a few years ago, she has already identified him, he will be the only husband in his life! Without her, she would never marry someone else in her life.

Huang Xiaoying turned away, her tears flowed involuntarily, hurriedly wiped with her back, and then quickly caught up with it...


Demon Mountain.

Suzaku didn't know how much blood she had already flowed, and her body was obviously unable to bear it, and she slowly fell to the ground.

Tsing Yi and Xuanwu are not as good as anywhere, full of blood, like at any time will fall in the center of the battlefield...

Suddenly, the group of people came quickly and quickly fell into the face of Ye Yuche.

Ye Lanche looked at these people who came, faintly lips: "That little girl is dead?"

That little girl is dead?

The heart of Suzaku trembled. She hurriedly raised her head and stared at the few people who appeared in front of Ye.

Why are these people coming back so fast? Is Xiaomi and Princess... something wrong?

Do not!

The princess must not have any danger, no!

Suzaku stood up and stood up. Her footsteps were smashing, and Lien Chan could not stand still.

"The princess can't die, it's impossible!"

Ye Xiaoqi haha ​​laughed two times: "A white tiger with a low-level **** can protect her. If my person can come back so soon, it will prove that the girl is already dead."

After hearing Ye Xuan's words, those people's looks were awkward, and they didn't dare to say a word.

"What happened?" Ye Yuche felt the strangeness of those people, his face cold, and asked back.

The old man in the yellow robe squatted forward and said: "The lord, we could have killed the hoe, but who knows that the white tiger broke through to the metaphysical middle class."

Ye Lan's twilight suddenly sank, and the top of his head seemed to be covered with a cloud.

"Even if she breaks through to the mysterious middle class, that's just one. How many of you can't deal with a mysterious middle class?"

"No..." The old man subconsciously wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. "Compared to the white tiger, the horror is the daughter of the demon king. She doesn't know what is going on. She actually burned a mysterious **** in an instant, and When she burned the mysterious **** with flames, I felt an unusual pressure. This was rushed back to inform the lord."


Burning the mysterious god?

Abnormal pressure?

Ye Hao's face is even more ugly: "The little girl doesn't have this skill. Even if she uses the medicinal herbs to improve her strength, she can't have the power to kill a mysterious god. So, there may be some treasures on her body. She just relies on The power of the treasure..."

Suddenly, Ye Hao's entire look has changed, and the anger is skyrocketing.

Demon flame beads! The demon flames are in the body of the skull!

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