Xiaomi has been unable to hold on. He originally wanted to take the Suzaku and they smashed the encirclement. Unfortunately, he looked at himself too high. The huge body fell into the pool of blood, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

The swords of those people fell on Xiaomi's body. His fur had long since he could not see the original color, only a sharp red.

"Stop, you stop!" Suzaku snarled in anger, and rushed toward Xiaomi. Her eyes were filled with raging anger, and the endless flames swept around the people around Xiaomi. "You dare to hurt me." My companions, I’m going to be a ghost today, and I’m going to make you a gray one!”

Suzaku was completely angry.

Perhaps Xiaomi’s injury has spurred her, and her phoenix has a bloodthirsty murderousness.

This time, the fire of Suzaku was with the power to destroy the earth. Under this flame, all the people who stood by Xiaomi’s side felt the pain of burning the skin and couldn’t help but want to step back. Avoid the flames.

It is a pity that the flames seem to have long eyes, and they attacked those people again. The entire demon mountain was ignited in the flame and burned with blazing flames.


Not far away, the beautiful girl stood in the mountains, holding a little girl about eight or nine years old in her hand.

The little girl is so delicate and cute, she is young and young, and her eyebrows have already been dyed.

From this we can see that when she grows up in the future, she will inevitably be a beautiful country.

In the arms of the little girl, she was still holding a pink pig. The pig was lazy and turned over, and a pair of transparent wings fluttered slightly.

"Longer, we should go home."

The pretty girl shouted her lips, her eyebrows were exquisite and refined to resemble a porcelain doll.

The girl is wearing a pink Confucian dress, which makes her more energetic and charming.

"It’s been two years. I really miss Wang Xiong’s Wang Hao, and the three little guys don’t know how...” The girl picked up her lips, and the pretty little face was smiling and smiling. “You said If we go back without saying anything now, will Wang Xiong and Xunzi be very surprised?"

This is the first time she has left home for so long, but Wang Xiong will definitely not miss her. If the national teacher is there, she will be very excited to meet it...

The gentle and beautiful face once again appeared in my mind. The heart of Emperor Xiaoyun sank, and the beautiful big eyes dimmed again, gently rubbing his lips.

Xiaolonger turned his head and looked at the emperor Xiaoyun: "Is the aunt of the princess missing the national teacher again?"


Emperor Xiaoyun does not deny it.

She misses him very much...

In the past, she always had too many squadrons. She had been there for a long time. She wanted to leave the demon world and leave this bondage.

Until now she realized that it was a kind of happiness to be controlled by him...

"Little Dragon, let's go home, you must miss your mother very much," Emperor Xiaoyun patted Xiaolong's little head and smiled. "I guess, you miss the morning too... I really envy you now. I’m basically a relationship with the national teacher. Unfortunately, I lost him. I originally wanted to have a hundred dolls with the teachers and students. The national teacher is not with me. I can’t have a baby.”

Xiaolong’s doubts looked at Emperor Xiaoyun, and some did not understand what she meant before.

She was silent for a while, and licked her lips slightly: "The aunt of the princess, the National Teacher's Club is waiting for you..."

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