She doesn't feel a little distressed.

"You have always been strong."

Compared with the dragons of the same age, Xiaolonger has always been at the leading position. However, the enemies encountered by Bai Yan are becoming more and more powerful, and the persecuted Xiaolonger is eager to improve his strength.

Therefore, she can have the power of today.

Suzaku’s body could not stand still. She sat slowly on the ground, leaning against a tree behind her, and her face was filled with fatigue.

Her phoenix has never been removed from Xiao Longer's body, and her eyes are full of worry.

"Xiao Mi, how are you?" Tsing Yi squatted down and looked worriedly at Xiaomi, who fell to the ground.

Xiaomi moved her body and wanted to get up from the ground, but he used several strengths and couldn't stand up and could only continue to lie on the ground.

"Don't worry..." His voice was weak. "I am still alive."

Huang Xiaoying’s crazy girl is still waiting for him to go back and marry her. How can he... die in this place?

"I will give you my remedy, you will take it."

Tsing Yi saw Xiaomi’s own Dan’s medicinal use, and quickly took the medicinal medicine and handed it to him.

Xiaomi shook her head: "No, I have no need to eat more remedies, but as long as I am not dead, this injury can slowly recover."

After saying this, Xiaomi raised her head in a difficult way and looked at the battle in the void.

Fortunately, the strength of Xiaolonger is strong enough. Under the attack of so many powerful people, not to mention a little injury, even the breathing is not very orderly, and there is no confusion.

Seeing this, the heart that he has been carrying has gradually been put down, and his eyes are full of smiles.

When Xiao Longer came back, these people didn't have to worry. The princess's strength broke through to the lord. She went to protect the little princess of Linger. Then he was more at ease.

in case……

The king and the queen can come back, then it would be better.


On the spacious road of the demon world, in the arms of the deaf, holding the little Linger who has fallen into a deep sleep, rushed out of the demon world with a very fast speed.

Seeing the door of the demon world approaching the front, the blink of an eye flashed a ray of light, and he had already reached the door in a few steps.


He just stepped into the mouth of the entrance, and a figure fell from the sky and stopped in front of him.

What appeared in front of him was a man, dressed in black, like an eagle in the night sky, with a sharp and cold eyes.

When he saw the moment, the man sneered out, his laughter was mocking, his eyes filled with indifference: "The people in the field of heaven have not seen it in this demon world, now The seals in various fields have been broken, and the person in the field of heaven can also come to chase you. You are hard to protect yourself, and you want to manage the gossip of the demon world?"

He walked back a few steps, his eyes flashed cold, and he looked coldly at the man standing in front of his eyes.

"Step aside!"

His voice is cold and indifferent.

"Ha ha ha, you are the person who chased in the field of heaven. Your life is naturally chased by the field of heaven. As long as you give me the little girl in your arms, then I will let you go, how?"

Ye Hao's cold cold lips, with a cold arc on the corner of his mouth.

"You are not allowed to bully your sister!"

The weather screamed forward to the front, hands on hips, big eyes squatting with leaves.

"Sister?" Ye Hao's eyes flashed. "You are the girl's brother? Then you are also the son of Emperor Cang? It seems that the receipt of the demon world is not small, even met the children of Emperor Cang, so, I naturally accepted this gift unknowingly. I don't know how much pain will it be if the emperor Cang returns to the body of these two little guys? Hahaha!"

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