But now...

Only then did she realize that this four-year-old little prince had a similar style to Wang in the vague agreement.

"Little prince."

Ji Qingge raised her hand and pulled it to her side every day. Her lips were slightly raised, and she looked up again: "Hey, the little princess is not willing to lose you."

Little princess is not willing to lose you!

His footsteps in front of Ye Lanche’s footsteps, his back was also stiff, and at this moment, a burst of resentment poured into his heart, and he wanted to look back and look at the sleepy little Linger.

But he never turned back...

Even a word, he did not say anything.

"Hey, do you think that if you give up your life, you will stop me from killing her? Hahaha!" Ye Haoqi said with a sarcasm. "Since you are looking for death like the national teacher of the demon world, I will fulfill you." ""

He had wanted to kill Emperor Xiaoyun’s revenge on the Emperor Cang. He did not expect the National Teacher to replace her.

Now he wants to kill the daughter of Emperor Cang, first Suzaku four people to stop him by death, now ... 虞翎 also ran out to replace her death?

Unfortunately, he did not kill Emperor Xiaoyun for the first time. He could not leave the field for a long time. He could only let Emperor Xiaoyun escape this disaster.

It’s different now...

It’s not his opponent. It’s not too late to kill the little girl after he’s killed.


Suddenly, Ye Xiaoche’s whole body set off an astonishing storm, destroying the trees around him. The blood-colored sky is more beautiful than ever. It seems to be declaring the destruction of the demon world.

He has pulled out the sword, his hand holding the sword tightly, and looking up at the man in front of him.

"Huang Xiaoying, Ji Qingge, you two take them first, I can stop him for a moment."

Huang Xiaoying’s body was shocked. Has this man really reported his determination to die?

She looked down at the little Linger in her sleep, turned her head and turned to go in the other direction quickly...

Ji Qingge finally looked at his eyes and took away every day without leaving.


"You are really looking for death?"

Ye Yuche looked at the shackles in front of him, sneered, his hurricane swelled out, making the whole sky dark and gloomy.

Under the gust of wind, his face never changed. He looked up and looked coldly at Ye Xie, who stood in front of his eyes.

"Yes, this time I came back, I didn't plan to leave."

Unfortunately, he can no longer protect him at Linger in the future...

I hope that in the future, she has other people who can guard her...

His eyes were dull, and the emotions of a sigh of relief flashed through the cold eyes. Soon he had already converged his emotions, and once again looked at Ye Lanke with that indifferent gaze.

"In this case, I will kill you first, then go after the little girl!"


Ye Yiche raised his hand, the clouds of fire in the sky all moved, and a powerful force shrouded the top of the skull, and the heavy breath made him unable to breathe.

However, under the strong pressure of Ye Lanche, he was still stable, and he grasped the sword in his hand, looking at the man in the sky with a blank expression.

"Not self-reliant!"

Ye Hao Che snorted, the storm appeared, and the scorpion rushed toward the scorpion.

The footsteps of the embarrassing movement did not move. He raised his sword in his hand and greeted the oncoming storm...

With a bang, a powerful force hit the sly sword and then put it into his chest. A **** sigh emerged from his throat. He spurted a spurt of blood, the original cold face and the moment. It was pale.

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