"I didn't want to kill you..." The shallow lips and a smile swayed in his lips. However, the eyes were still cold. "My purpose is only to stop you, as long as It is enough to let them escape."

Even if he burns at the cost of his soul, he may not be able to kill Ye Lanche.

and so……

He only wants to stop them, and he has no intention of actually defeating him.

After all, the gap between him and him is not a little bit. The gap is that he can't save whatever he uses to improve his strength...


Ye Lanche sneered aloud: "Then you are too whimsical, as long as those people do not leave the demon world, I will be able to find them. Even if you stop me for a moment, it will not stop me, the little girl must die!"

Only when she is dead can he take out the demon flames. At that time, the achievement of the true God is just around the corner.


Perhaps thinking that he can stand at the highest point of everyone, Ye Haoqi couldn't help but laugh a few times, and his eyes were all crazy smiles.

He didn't talk to him any more and took the lead in attacking.

At this moment, people far away from the palace can see, above the sky, the two figures that are constantly colliding, like two sparks, bloom under this **** sky...

Even he didn't know how long he supported. He only understood that the longer he burned, the more the soul would weaken.

He has been able to feel that his soul has become weaker and weaker. If he continues, it will be the end of the soul.


Even though he knew the consequences, he bit his teeth and held it hard.

He just wants to get some time for them, even if it's just a minute and a second... Maybe it's a minute and a second, they can find a safe place to hide.

Just wait until the king and the queen come back, then the little princess... is safe.

"Hey, you are getting worse and worse, are you sure you will continue to fight with me?"

Ye Lanqi stepped back two steps. He leaned back with one hand and looked coldly at the fading of the flame temperature.

Now that his flames are unbearable, it proves that... He has not many souls to burn, and even his strength is not as fierce as before.

The cockroach's cockroach flashed a cold mang, he did not stop the burning of the flame, but rushed to Ye Yuche again...

"I didn't have much communication with you before, but I knew that you have always been alone, never stayed for anyone. You were just a high-ranking **** in the past, but even the lords in the field of heaven have no way to take you. Later Still relying on other powers, you will be detained on the gods... But now you not only stop your steps for the demon world, but you also don’t want to fly for the little princess of the demon world. Now you are really not like You."

Ye Lanqi picked up his eyes. He escaped the sly attack and sneered at him.

"Really, I didn't need any companions in the past, I like to be alone, not for anyone to stay in the same place," he licked the blood of his mouth with his fingers, and raised a smile on his lips. "But, in this demon world, there are queens who once pulled me out of the dark world, and... gave me a little princess with endless warmth. For them, I have to guard the demon world!"

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