The speed of Emperor Xiaoyun is very fast, but her speed is fast, and it is not the difference in strength.

Under the attack of Ye Yuche, she has already been scarred and has no initial glory.

The hearts of Huang Xiaoying and others are tightly tied together. Their eyes have never been removed from the body of Emperor Xiaoyun, and they are watching the battle in the sky.

There is no day and night in the demon world, but everyone knows that this battle... has passed an hour.

The body of Emperor Xiaoyun gradually could not support, and her strength was slowly disappearing.

"I can't lose, I haven't revenge for the national teacher. How can I fail?" Emperor Xiaoyun wiped the blood of his mouth with his back. The beautiful big eyes sparkled with red light. "If I don't avenge the national division." After 18 years, I have no face to see him..."

The National Teacher has been dead for two years. According to the time, she will be able to see him for another 18 years.

Therefore, if she did not avenge her national teacher, what qualifications does she have to go to her?

A touch of firmness in the eyes of Emperor Xiaoyun, she once again rushed toward the man on the void, it is a kind of desperate gesture.


Just as Emperor Xiaoyun came to the forefront, Ye Lanche raised his hand again, and a ray of light rushed out and turned into a giant axe, once again slamming into the emperor Xiaoyun.

Emperor Xiaoyun’s mouth showed a strange smile.

When the giant axe came to her eyes, she flashed and she had already rushed behind Ye Lanche.

Ye Lanche did not agree with the sneer, he turned and shot directly, and did not enter the chest of Emperor Xiaoyun...


Emperor Xiaoyun spurted a blood, her body fell from the air and fell to the ground.

The only constant is the strange curvature of her lips.

Ye Lanche felt that something was wrong. When he reacted, an attack behind him had already reached his back. He slammed his back and opened his blood.

At this moment, Ye Xiaoche's face changed, and the gloomy cloth covered his face.

This stinky head actually left an attack in the air from the beginning, and then her people rushed to his back to attract his attention.

When he turned to deal with this gimmick, the first attack left was hurting him without any accident, and he was unprepared...

However, Ye Xiaoche is in the high-order of the lord after all, even though the Emperor Xiaoyun has been with him for so long with the brute force and speed that the monster itself should have, but the gap between the two sides is still very obvious.

She had just hurt her skin, but she could not hurt his internal organs.

Even so, it was the shame that Ye Xiaoqi could not be erased in his life, which made his anger even worse and his face more gloomy.

"Do you dare to count me?" His gloomy breath spread in the sky, shrouded the emperor Xiaoyun below. "The lord has lived for so many years, no one has counted on me, and you are the only one in these years. Darkly count the people who hurt me!"

Emperor Xiaoyun smiled, and her smile was ironic: "If I can't avenge the national teacher today, at least I can... hurt you! I believe that if I die in your hands, my brother Wang And Wang Hao... I will avenge myself one day! You can't live for a long time, hahaha!"

She has already decided today that she will either avenge the national teacher and kill this person, or... that is, she will fail to avenge her death and die for her death!

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