"younger sister!"

Every day, I walked to the side of Xiao Linger, wiping her sweat with a small handkerchief. His distressed little face was wrinkled into a ball, and raised his tearful eyes and looked at the emperor Xiaoyun.

"Aunt, Linger just attacked other people with flames. After using this power, she needs to sleep for a while. If my aunt is tired, I am lying on the ground and leaning against my sister. My aunt rests for a while..."

Emperor Xiaoyun’s nose is sour, and his beautiful eyes are full of tears.

These two children of Wang Xiong are so intimate and sensible, but there are always some people who even let the children not let go...

"My aunt is not tired, my aunt can hold Linger."

Emperor Xiaoyun gently held Linger's soft body and whispered: "Linger, if you are tired, you will sleep for a while, then your aunt will call you to get up."

Xiao Linger squinted with big eyes: "Aunt, you have to talk and count, don't fall asleep with the spirit, send the spirit away, just like Uncle Shu..."

As soon as she thought of her death, Xiao Ling’s tears slid down from her eyes and flowed into her mouth, sour and bitter.

"Well, my aunt will not send you away, go to sleep."

Emperor Xiaoyun gently patted the back of Xiao Linger. After a while, Xiao Linger's eyelids became more and more heavy and gradually fell into sleep.

She stood up from the ground with her little Linger, and her footsteps were awkward, but after all, she walked step by step to Huang Xiaoying and Ji Qingge.

"Xiao Ying, take her back to the palace."

Emperor Xiaoyun gave a brilliant smile and placed Xiao Linger's body in Huang Xiaoying's arms.

The little Linger’s flame did not take the initiative to approach Ye Lanche, and it has already proved that... this flame still burns him.

He is only trapped now, and it may not take long before he will escape from the flames.

At that time, none of them could escape.

"Aunt," every day, I pulled the sleeves of La Di Xiaoyun, and I was wronged. "Don't you promise not to send your sister away?"

Emperor Xiaoyun hangs his head and gently licks his little head every day.

"Every day, this bad guy has been trapped, can't escape, my aunt needs to look at her here, but her sister is tired, she needs to go back to the palace to rest, my aunt is going to let her go back."

Every day, I looked at the Emperor Xiaoyun with my head in my head.

What my aunt said... seems to make sense.

My sister's sleep in the mountains is definitely not as comfortable as the palace, and the bad guys are trapped. The aunt should not deliberately open them.

"Aunt, don't you really lie to me?" Every day, with a small mouth, "You really don't bully me. Isn't it as smart as my sister, deliberately deceive me?"

"You little foxes, how can your aunt deceive you?" Emperor Xiaoyun smiled reluctantly. "You also saw that the bad guys have been trapped, so there is no danger for your aunt to stay here. You don't have to worry. ”

Huang Xiaoying looked at the imperial nonsense of Emperor Xiaoyun. Her lips shook, and after all, she did not say anything.

"Well, then I believe my aunt," said a bright smile every day. "My sister and I went back to wait for my aunt to come back."

The eyes of the little buns are bright and fascinating, and the heart of the emperor Xiaoyun is sour.

She raised her hand and squeezed the small bun of the small bun: "I only walked for two years, you are hungry and thin. The original cute baby fat is gone. It must be eaten less. You should not treat yourself later. Eat or eat, you are the man of the family, especially when you are no longer with the morning, protect your sister, understand?"

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