
Chapter 2038, Return of Bai Yan (20)

Rarely, Emperor Cang did not go to jealousy with Emperor Xiaoyun, but turned his eyes to the man inside the demon flame.

At this moment, the power of the demon flame finally decayed almost, and the man raised his hand and smashed through the demon flame.

Even though the flame still carries the hot temperature, it is within the range that he can bear. His whole body has passed through the flame, and the gloomy gaze stares at the Emperor.

After 10,000 years of separation, I met again and let Ye Hao’s heart anger rush again.

When he thought of the cruelty of Emperor Cang on the frost, he would have liked to smash the man.

Emperor Cang is always silent, and the domineering phoenix looks down on the man, and there is a hidden storm in the depths of his eyes...


The two people in front of each other competed against each other. Bai Yan only looked at it and took his eyes back. He gently calmed the Emperor Xiaoyun.

"It's okay, everything is fine, we are back..."

Emperor Xiaoyun choked and cried, Wang Hao and Wang Xiong came back, really good...

"Aunt, Linger and every day?" Bai Xiaochen's big eyes are full of worry. "Do they have anything?"

"You don't have to worry about the morning, they are safe." Di Xiaoyun wiped the tears in the corners of her eyes, but her other hand never released her face.

Bai Yan knew her inner collapse, so she was allowed to take her.

A figure came out from behind Bai Yan.

After Emperor Xiaoyun saw the man who appeared behind her, his eyes were full of shock: "Hey, are you still alive? Linger is not saying that you are already..."

The man's face was white, and the cold eyebrows showed a smile: "I thought I was going to die. Who knows that the king and the queen are coming back, this made me return a life."

Just before, he used his self-immolation soul to increase his strength, and his soul gradually began to disappear.

When I saw that the soul was going to disappear completely, Bai Yan just came back...

It is for this reason that I have returned a life.

Ye Lanqi naturally saw the cockroach walking in front of Bai Yan. His eyes were cold and his anger was surging: "Oh, I didn't expect your luck to be so good, and the soul hurts and can be saved."

The cold smile said: "That is because the queen is strong, even if your dust and frost field is stronger, it will never be better than them."

In the field of dust and frost?

After hearing the name, somehow, Bai Yan thought of Liu Chenshuang.

Does this dust field have anything to do with Liu Chenshuang?

This time, Ye Qi Che only noticed the white face in front.

The woman's red dress, the fascinating city, the glory of the ages, her eyebrows can not tell the domineering arrogance, even if she is standing next to the Emperor Cang, will not be covered by the man's light.

When I saw the woman’s moment, Ye’s heart trembled, and there was a sense of familiarity that could not be said...

It’s like... It’s like a million years ago, the one who is standing on the opposite side of the demon world, one of the true gods?

Do not!

Will not!

He has already verified that the true God is Yun Ruoxi, this woman... It is estimated that it is only like her, it is not her real.

Thinking of this, Ye Lan's heart gradually calmed down.

The one of the year was not with the Emperor Cang, and no matter where he met, it would cause a war. So how could she marry the Emperor Cang?

Between them, it should never be such a relationship!

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