"Becoming a pro? It is impossible. You can't be married with him in this life," Emperor Cang sneered. "If you dare to marry him, I dare to **** the pro, you can only be the queen of my demon world, everyone else Can't touch you the slightest."

Bai Yan smiled, her smile was very beautiful, but also sentimental.

"Actually, I don't really like me in the past," she sighed. "I always feel that I was too stupid in the past. I first believed in Yun Ruo, and I mistakenly thought about the love of the brothers and sisters." Therefore, when I recall everything that happened in my previous life, I hate myself!"

"Fortunately, I have not let myself down in this world..."

Bai Yan looked up at the man in front of her, she did not miss this man who loved her life.

"Yan, I was mad at the time to attract your attention, but then you still agreed to be my queen."

Emperor Cang has already walked to the side of Bai Yan, and embraced the woman's body in her arms.

His phoenix is ​​focused and affectionate, and the black eyelids reflect only her figure.

"Actually, after you chose me, I only had one purpose. That is to let the people in the world understand that your choices will not be wrong. I will hurt you, love you, love you... and live forever."

Bai Yan tightly held the Emperor Cang, and his lips slightly burst into a smile.

For a long time, she just let go and smiled and stood up: "We will go back to the Holy Island for a while, at the speed of the three masters, they will come soon..."


Sure enough, at the speed of the three people of Zheng, they only need one day and one night to be able to gather everyone.

At the moment on the Holy Island, people are overcrowded, and the phoenix building and the demon sect stand in the end, respectfully looking at the woman sitting in the chaise longue.

Emperor Cang was lying beside Bai Yan, a long silver hair fell, such as the moonlight, the beauty of the enchanting, suffocating.

His arm gently licked the woman beside him, and a red smile swayed a smile. The pair of phoenixes seemed to have an imperial domineering power.

A few old guys, such as Bai Changfeng, were sitting next to Bai Yan’s side. Everyone didn’t speak, but waited for the words of Bai Yan.

"Two grandfathers, grandfather, grandmother, everyone..." Bai Yan’s lips raised a smile. "My three masters should have told you, don't know what you mean?"

Bai Changfeng sighed slightly: "I can't bear the medicine, but I also know that this matter is very important. You have nothing to do with it. It is impossible to protect so many people. Therefore, I am going to the Chinese field." No comments, I will come back after everything is peaceful."

After all, the medicine door on this continent is his foundation. How can he give up? So, no matter what, in the future, he will definitely want to go back to this place.

"My decision is the same as Bai Changfeng," Weng smiled. He looked at Bai Yan's eyes full of praise. "Not to mention, it is not easy for you to have today's achievements. We can't stay here to drag you." Going back, going to that place is indeed much safer than here..."

At least, there will be some masters sitting there, and if they insist on staying in the mainland, it will definitely bring trouble to Bai Yan.

This kind of thing, he is still relatively clear...

"Master..." Nangong squatted for a while. "After I went to the Chinese field, I will still rely on my own efforts to improve my strength."

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