
"I am relieved to have this sentence. I am not worried about Yifeng. He has always had a opinion, but the clothes are too reckless to act. I am afraid she will be in danger."

Don't look at Chu Ran often, often let Chu clothing back to the black pot, in fact, everyone in the mainland knows, Chu clothing, this little princess is extremely favored in the Holy Land, is simply held in the palm of his hand, afraid of falling, with fear in his mouth No matter how many mistakes she made, she would have to go to solve her problem.

It can be seen that Chu Ran is often pampered and loves her.

"Don't worry, she will be very safe," Bai Yan lazy and stretched. "It's not early, we are leaving now, I am afraid that those people will find it later..."

"it is good."

Everyone did not hesitate and followed Bai Yan to go out.

This time, they not only brought all their belongings, but even those people brought them, and they plan to move to the Chinese field together...


For the practitioners, the time of half a year is like a finger between them.

In the past six months, after the efforts of all of us, the Huaxia field has not been ridiculous before, but has begun to take shape.

As for the residents of the Chinese field, there are only those people brought about by various fields. If you really want to develop into the mainland and the realm of God, you need to go through countless years...

At this time, within the study room of the dust and frost field, a whistling sound was heard from the study, and the whole sound was heard in the sky.

Subsequently, the door of the study, which was closed for half a year, was slowly opened under the eyes of everyone...

The man wore a black gown, handsome and somewhat cold, his eyes were cold, and his cold eyes surrounded the people outside the study.

"Lord, your wound...recovered?"

One person trembled and asked.

The man’s mouth was hung with a cold smile and his eyes were deep: “The power of the demon flames is really different. Although the demon flames are not close to me, they have not burned me, but the power that has spread has hurt me. I was able to recover from the injury for half a year..."

Demon Flames... Devils Little Princess?

This account, he will be counted in the demon world sooner or later.

"What if the cloud cherishes that woman?"

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold mang flashed through his eyes.

"The lord of the Kai, the cloud girl has not left the room for a long time."

"You have been watching her recently, don't let her run around."

Because she is the hope that he broke into the true God.

The strength of Yun Ruohui reached the high level of Xuan Shen, and her true God heart has been able to take it. What is lacking now is just a demon flame.

It’s just that this demon flame is inside the little girl’s body, I’m afraid it’s not very good.

After saying this, the man no longer cares about these subordinates behind him, and walks in the direction of the scorpion flower field...


Inside the room.

The woman sat in front of the bronze mirror, her delicate fingers gently put on the cheeks, the original white jade skin has a few more fine lines at the moment.

The appearance of this fine line made the woman startled.

She bit her lip and stared at the bronze mirror in front of her.

"How is it possible? How could this be?" There was a panic in her eyes. "Why do I have this kind of thing? Since the millennium, my face has never changed. Why do wrinkles appear now? No! No Maybe, this must be my eye."

In fact, she discovered her body changes half a year ago, but she was able to cover up the presence of fine lines with blush powder at the beginning, but now even the rouge gouache can't be covered.

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