But within half a year, everyone will be familiar with the occasional madness, and no one will gossip.

After all, for them, a slap in the face, insignificant.

In the room.

The cloud slammed **** the face of Xiao Yan for more than a dozen times. When she saw the face full of blood, her lips provoked a smile.

"You are just looking at your face and looking good. You want to hook - someone who leads others. If I want to give you such a person, I will only give you a little lesson. Don't think that my age is getting old, you can be organic. By the way, the hostess in the backyard of the Lord is only me!"

Xiao Yan’s squatting on the ground, she really does not understand why she did nothing, but these people have to treat her so cruelly?

"Get out, don't worry about it in front of me."

If the cloud screams coldly, he screams.

This time, I stood up from the ground and walked outside the door. Her body shape was obviously unstable. I almost fell a few steps.

If the cloud is really unsightly, it will be taken out from the door.

She had a serious face that hit the ground, and it was rubbed on the ground for a while. The pain of a heartbreaking pulse came from time to time. She couldn’t cry even if she was crying.

There is no one around to help her, she also felt at this moment, what is the warmth of people...

"Hey, everyone is a monk!"

Yun Ruoxi is still in the room, she sat down in front of the bronze mirror, looking at the face more than a day of fine lines, the face is ugly like a cloud.

"I can't let Bai Yan surpass me, never!"

The goal of her life is to step the woman under her feet, she will never let her proud of her life!

Thinking of this, Yun Ruo’s eyes flashed a hot, and his face was firm.


Gardenia flowers.

Looking from afar, it is full of white scorpion flowers, and the fragrance is pleasant.


Ye Lan's gaze looked at the flower sea of ​​this piece, his eyes resentment, as if he could see the woman dancing in the sea of ​​flowers, but unfortunately, the woman no longer exists.

"You can rest assured that I will avenge you. Now my injury has recovered. I will gather everyone later to deal with the demon world and the Emperor..."

He never allowed the man to live in such a stable life after he had hurt the frost.

He finally looked at the sea of ​​flowers and turned and left, but his back was more firm than the one just...


Demon world.

Already people have gone to the sky.

In the demon world, all the monsters have moved to the Chinese field, and even one has never left.

Liu Chenshuang stood in the highest position, overlooking the empty demon world underneath, cold mangling flashed from her eyes, with a chill.

"Those people in the demon world are running?"

Mo Xinyan bit his lip: "Master, maybe the demon world knows that you will come, you are afraid, and this is the way to go. It can be seen that Master's pressure is how powerful..."

"Oh," Liu Chenshuang sneered, and Shuangyu cast aside to Mo Xinyan, with a sneer sneer in his mouth. "Do you think that Emperor Cang is so sloppy? Do you think that people in the demon world are greedy and afraid of death? They must be Something left the demon world, or... moved the demon world to other places."

This next time, she wants to retaliate against the demon world, I am afraid it is not so easy.

"But, Master..."

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