Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 2081: If the cloud is afflicted (3)

"Lesson? You are so cruel to whip her, and I just said that it is a lesson? If Yun Xi, I usually indulge you, let you overwhelm, but you shouldn't stop moving the night!"


Ye Yan Che Yang raised her hand and pushed her strength into the chest of the cloud. Her body suddenly flew out, and the wolf slammed into the corner of the wall. The blood in her mouth rushed out and made her face paler.


If it is Liu Chenshuang, why is the lord treating her like this girl... and treating her like this?

Liu Yexin always stood behind Ye Lan's body. She was silent and squinted at her lips.

Deep in her eyes, there is also a cold light.

"And, even if the night heart really hits you, it should be!" Ye Xiaoche sneered, ironically, "The night heart is the lady of my lord's house, and you...just a slave, I am. Usually pampering you, you really take yourself seriously, you killed the women in my lord's house, I don't settle with you, but you moved the night!"

The two words of slaves are like a needle, and they are tied to the heart of Yun Ruo.

She thought was a special existence for the lord, but the lord claimed that... she was just a slave?

"Ha ha ha!"

If Yunxiao smiled, she smiled and laughed desperately.

"Lord, I have been with you for a few years. You have been petting me for a few years. I thought that you were really good to me. I didn't expect that in your heart, my status is equal to slavery. This is how long you have not been. Give me a reason for identity?" Yun Ruoqi slowly climbed up from the ground, grief eyes staring at Ye Yuche, her eyes... with deep despair.

"The lord has only frost, and you... what are you?"

Ye Hao's cold smile, the voice is not merciless.

If this woman is of some use to him, he will never leave her again. Just because she treats the night heart like this, she will die of sin!

In fact, let Ye Yuqing not understand, and then see the first look of Liu Yexin, his heart has a sense of intimacy.

He wants to bring her back to the lord's house and protect it so that it doesn't hurt her.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the day, his people have given her so much damage...

A touch of cold mans flashed from the bottom of the eye, and Ye Haoqing stepped forward, forcing a medicinal herb into the mouth of Yun Ruo.

If the cloud wants to resist, but under the pressure of Ye Lanche, there is no way to resist.

"I have suppressed your strength, come, and drag her down and shut it up! Without my order, she is not allowed to leave a step, and no one is allowed to let her out. By the way, please ask the alchemy teacher of the main government to come to the night heart. Miss is healing."

Ye Xiaoqing's slow sleeves, back to the clouds behind him, the gloomy voice gradually sounded.

After the injury of Liu Yexin was cured, he would not find it later to find this woman.


Yun Ruoxi finally became flustered. He understood that this time the lord was serious.

Therefore, before the man would succumb to the cloud, she had already rushed to Ye Lanche’s body and held his thigh tightly.

"Lord, I know it is wrong, I am really wrong. In the future, I will never dare to be arrogant and arrogant. Please let me go this time..."


Ye Haoqing unscrupulously took out the body of Yun Ruo's body, and the chill in the light: "You still do something, drag her down."

"Yes, the lord."

The two guards came in from outside the door and grabbed the body of Yun Ruo, and then dragged her out the door.

If the cloud struggles and screams, the man in front does not look back at her again...

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