Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 2085: If the cloud is afflicted (7)

Liu Chenshuang and Mo Xinyan went to the demon world and they rushed to the demon world. They planned to go to the field of inflammation to force Bai Ning. Who knows that when they arrive in the field of inflammation, they are also faced with a scene that is empty.

"Master..." Mo Xinyan looked back at Liu Chenshuang and gently rubbed her lips. "How do people in this field of inflammation disappear with the people of the demon world?"

Liu Chen cream eyelids gently pick up, cold mans flashed from the bottom of the eyes: "Maybe Bai Yan's mother knows that we will come to the field of inflammation, followed by her daughter ran, but, I am the world, not yet Where I can't find Liu Chenshuang, my heart, we continue to look elsewhere, I can always find Bai Yan where they are now..."

"Yes, Master."

Mo Xinyan dropped his head.

After finding Bai Yan... Can she look at Emperor Cang again?

The face of the man is fascinating in her mind, and her lips can't help but raise her smile.

Only when the current side of Liu Chenshuang turned his head, she hurriedly smiled and stood silently beside her.

Liu Chenshuang only looked at her faintly, and she regained her gaze: "Let's go."

When the words fall, her dress looks like a breeze, disappearing into the field of inflammation...


In these few days, it’s very sad that Yun’s regrets.

The news that she fell out of favor seemed to spread throughout the dust field like a whirlwind.

In two years, she has countless people who have been offended in the dust field. Those people have long hated to marry her skin and smoke her scriptures.

In addition, Ye Lanqi did not let people let her out, did not say that people did not go to find her, after learning that she fell out of favor, those who had been harmed by her could not help but rushed to sneer.

It’s just a sneer, some people can’t control their hands and kicks, and even there are countless scars on her body.

and so……

Whenever someone came to visit her, she couldn't help but shrink her body in the corner, thinking that this would reduce the sense of existence.


Don't push the door again.

Yun Ruo’s panicked eyes cast out the door, and after seeing a face with blood holes on her face, she screamed in horror: “Ah!!!”

“Is it terrible?”

The woman dressed in a squatting service came in from the door. She didn't have the whisper of the past, and she sneered at the corner of her mouth: "Isn't these masterpieces on my face all because of your sake? I will become like this, not all of you. Harmful? Now you know how terrible my face is?"

Yun Ruo’s body stepped back, panicked at the woman who was getting closer and closer, and swallowed in horror.

"Don't come over, don't come over..."

"If the cloud is cherished, you old woman, you didn't find that your skin on your face has really wrinkled a lot? There is no lack of telling you, what you look like now... It is no different from a woman of fifty or sixty... You have not taken photos recently. Mirror? Why don't I show you your face, how?"

The woman kindly threw a bronze mirror in front of Yun Ruo.

Yun Ruoxi picked up the bronze mirror. When she saw more and more fine lines in the bronze mirror, and after two white women, she was shocked to smash the bronze mirror and hold her head tightly.

"No, this is not me, it is not!"

How could she become like this?

Her appearance has not changed since the millennium, why is it growing with her strength...


If the cloud is stunned.

Since she broke through the high-end of Xuan Shen, her eyes first appeared fine lines, she tried her best to cover up, but only cover up for two years...

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