Chapter 2095, Mucheng City? (One)

"I am here today, naturally there is something to ask your lord to discuss."

Ye Qi's lips curled up in the arc, and the gloomy eyes looked at the woman in green. The words he said were like a heavy stick. He was stunned in her heart: "I don't know if you still remember. Remember that person, Muchengcheng?"

Mu Qingcheng is a legend of the times, a legendary figure.

It is also the leader of mankind, one of the two true gods of the year!

As soon as I heard the name of Mu Qingcheng, the green woman’s hand trembled. She couldn’t even keep her sword, and she needed to use all her strength to grasp the sword.

" you know where she is?"

Her voice was trembling, and a delicate and dusty face was full of excitement, and her eyes stared at Ye Lanche.

For thousands of years...

After a tens of thousands of years, the name Mu Mucheng is a legend in the eyes of other people, and it is taboo in the field of heaven.

But now, once again, I heard the admiration of the city, and her heart is still full of endless excitement.

"No, you are a monster, how can you know where she is?" The green-shirt woman shook her head and her face was white. She licked her lips and said, "We used all our methods and didn't find her." The reincarnation of the people, and she also said that if she died one day, she would rather have a soul floating in the world, and would not be willing to reincarnate and start all over again."

"But it's 10,000 years... Now it's a pound. It's been 10,000 years. We are looking around for her soul. Even those who have reincarnation have been looking for it. They still haven't found her, and they haven't found her soul. Maybe ... she is no longer in this world."

The soul flies away...

These four words, no one has the courage to come up.

But now, apart from this possibility, there is no other...

"I naturally have a way to let you know the whereabouts of Mucheng, Feng Shishi, you will take me to see the lords of the heavens..."

Ye Lan's twilight flashed a strange light, and the smirk's eyes stared at the woman in front of him, and his eyes were filled with unsatisfactory smiles.

Feng Shishi is silent, she seems to be still thinking, Ye Haoche's words are somewhat credible.

Her eyes are thoughtful, looking up at Ye Lanche: "Ye Yu Che, I believe you this time, I hope you really brought her news, otherwise ... our lord will not let you leave this step! ”

After saying this, Feng Shi poetry slowly turned around and took Ye Lanche to the direction of the main house.

The lord's house in the field of heaven is located in the middle of a lake. Looking from afar, it is like a mirage. The exquisiteness is so unreal.

Not a moment, Ye Lanche followed the phoenix poetry to the door of the lord's house. The two gatekeepers saw the lead of the poetry and poetry, and did not stop Ye Lanche. He walked into the lord unimpeded all the way. Fuzhong.


Within the hall of the lord's house.

The young man sat upright and gently held a cup of tea in his hand. He seemed to have known that a guest had come to visit, so he deliberately waited here.

After Ye Yuche, they walked into the lord's house, and the young man slowly raised his head, and his eyes fell on the two people in front of him.

The sun shone from the hall and fell on the face of the young boy's quiet doll. It looked so quiet, like a beautiful time, the boy is still.

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