Ink's eyes flashed in the eyes, and he stood up from the chair, his eyes were cold.

"You are not afraid... I am killing people?"

"Kill me? Inkless, although I admire your current strength, but you want to kill me, there is no such thing, you just have to do it to me, I will declare your identity to the world now, let the field of heaven Everyone understands that their lord is indifferent, and it has long since ceased to exist. You are a sinister!"


The boy suddenly screamed and his fist slammed on the table.

The table and the moment were turned into pieces.

His eyes were full of blood, and he yelled: "You shut me up!"

"Ink is away, I also know that you have always wanted to kill Mucheng, tell you the truth, Mucheng is now in my hands, but who she is, I will not say more, as long as you destroy the demon world I will kill her for you, how?"

Ye Haoche said with a lip.

The juvenile looked up at Ye Lanche, and his twilight had a strange touch: "Mu is in your hand?"

"Yes, she is in my hands."

"Ha ha ha!"

The teenager laughed, and the laughter was ridiculous and arrogant.

Mucheng is in his hands? It is estimated that Ye Xiaoche’s idiot has not figured out who is Mucheng...

If...if it’s not ink, she’s been around her, maybe he’s already killing her.

It is because of the existence of the ink, he did not dare to send some people in the field of heaven to go, for fear that those people will recognize him after seeing the face of the ink.

Therefore, he chose to use the relationship with the ink to temporarily control his body.

But ah... even if he wants to control the body of the ink, he will never be able to do anything to her.

The ink is too attached to the kid, and when he is attached to being controlled, he is reluctant to move her.

When he had to, he wanted to use the hand of the shrine to get rid of the woman...

Originally, he thought that everything was ready, but those people in the Jingu Palace were so stupid to such a degree that they could not let her fly away.

As long as her soul is still there, she will return to this place one day sooner or later...

"Ye Yu Che, you are sure... the person you caught is Mucheng?"

The shallow lips of the boy, the ironic eyes fell on Ye Lan's body, sneered and asked.

"Of course," Ye Xiaoche sneered. "I have been looking for someone. Her life is too similar to that of the year. In addition to Mucheng, there will be no other people who have such a fate..."

The only pity is that the woman is similar to her, and other places... far more than the admiration.

That is the amazing power that makes everyone amazing, and the people are surrendered.

"Ye Ye Che, you want to deal with the demon world, I can help you," the boy's eyes recovered. "Just, let me know that you leaked a little news, I will let you... smash!"

A touch of killing flashed through the eyes of the teenager, and his baby face looked extremely embarrassing.


Powdered bones?

Also depends on whether this kid has this strength.

If it is really fighting, he may not lose to this kid...

"Ink is away, if you are with me, the demon world is not in the words."

The strength of the Emperor Cang is so strong that I am afraid that even one of them will be difficult to cope with, let alone one more ink.

At that time, there was no suspense in this battle.

"You can leave."

The young man licked his lips, and the cold began to go down the order.

"Well, I will send someone to inform you when there is news of the demon world."

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