
Bai Yan hurried to the side of Bai Zikai and sat down with his body. "Where did you go after you left the demon city that day? Why can't I find you everywhere?"

"I?" Bai Zi scratched his head and meditated for a moment. "I don't know where I am going, but I only know that the place made me awesome. In vain, Grandpa can finally protect you." And, no longer let the bad guys bully you..."

Bai Zikai said and cried, and his hand was holding the white face tightly, and he was reluctant to let go.

Bai Yan gently held the hand of Bai Zikai, and his mental power was put into his body.

When he realized that the strength of Bai Zikai had returned to its peak, his heart slowly relieved.


Grandpa is still a little crazy now, but it depends on him slowly recovering.

Even she can't help too much...

"My granddaughter, I used to be a bad grandfather. I was counted by those people. You have suffered so much, and Grandpa is sorry for you..."

Bai Zi screamed and cried, and as long as he thought of the mistakes he made in the past, he had a feeling of remorse.

"It seems that your situation is much better than before, at least you still think of a lot of previous things," Bai Yan shallowly hooked the lips, "and your strength has also returned to the high-level Xuan Shen, I just let you Take the next lord Dan."

She slowly reached out and placed a medicinal herb in front of the white scorpion.

Bai Zikai stopped crying and looked at Bai Yan’s palm, and his eyes flashed a puzzle: “What is this?”

"You know when you eat."

Bai Yan’s smile is even worse.

Although Bai Zikai has not fully recovered, he has always believed in Bai Yan’s words.

Therefore, directly pick up the medicinal herbs, when the jelly beans seem to be placed in the mouth, he just wants to chew two times, the medicinal herbs turn into clear springs, flowing all over his body.

"The sugar bean just now, why didn't I chew it? Is it strange?"

Bai Zi’s eyes scratched his head, and the old eyes were full of doubts and doubts.


A storm of advancement was born, and even the white-spotted man who was sitting was scared to stand up directly.

But he quickly sat down again and hurryed to practice.

"Emperor Cang, let's go back to rest first."

Bai Yan smiled and slowly turned and walked outside the house.

Now that Grandpa is back, I have to worry about clothes and clothes. I don’t know where the two guys went.


The next day.

The morning light is rising.

Bai Yangang woke up from his sleep, and the panic voice burst into it and stood up to her.

"Wang Xiong Wang Hao, you are coming out!"

Emperor Xiaoyun rushed in and rushed in.

She just rushed into the room, and she saw Bai Yan and Emperor Cang just got up from the bed, and then to the sullen scorpion of Emperor Cang, scared the emperor Xiaoyun hurriedly closed his mouth, trembled: "Wang Xiong, It’s a big deal..."

The Emperor Cang smashed through the smashing Emperor Xiaoyun, and his voice was cold: "Get out."

Before Emperor Xiaoyun pushed in the door, Emperor Cang had already put on his clothes, and Bai Yan was still half-baked, so it is no wonder that Emperor Cang would be so angry.

Even if a woman comes in, the woman is still his sister, he can't stand it...

"Yes, I will roll now."

Emperor Xiaoyun quickly turned and fled, and helped the Emperor Cang and Bai Yan to close the door.

Her heart thumped and thumped, apparently being scared.

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