Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 2127: Demon flames out of control (2)

It was like having a hand, holding her heart tightly, and she felt involuntarily worried about a woman who was always alive.

Do not!

These people in front of us are enemies. How can she betray the lords for some enemies?

Feng Shishi holds her fist tightly, her face is full of tension, and her eyes have not been removed from the body of ink and white.


The palm of the hand is like a giant mountain. This time, Bai Yan did not dodge in time, and her fist fell heavily on her back.

A stream of blood rushed out of the throat, sweet and sweet, her mouth was covered with blood, and the body quickly fell to the front.

"Yan Er!" The glory of the Emperor Cang was burning with anger and anger. His body quickly chased him up and raised his hand to take the woman's figure in the air into his arms.

His hand, holding the woman in her arms tightly, looked at the bottom of the world with a pair of cold eyes.

"You **** it!"

As if there is a raging flame from the man's body, he can feel the flame burning every time he walks.

Everyone's breathing was tight and the eyes were full of fear.

Looking at the current Emperor Cang, Ye Lan's heart panic, he seems to see the man who stood at the top of the place thousands of years ago, waving the river to the river...

"The Emperor Cang must die!" Ye Haoqing bit his teeth.

If he does not die, sooner or later he will break through to the true God. At that time, even if he has a big ability, he can't help this man.

At that moment, Ye Lanche and Mo Liyi looked at each other and rushed to the Emperor...

Xiaolonger saw that Emperor Cang had already caught the body of Bai Yan, and her heart quietly sighed, and then swooped away to the crowd, with a big eye with resoluteness.

The strength of every day is not very strong, but his strength is very great. It can be seen from his uneasyness in Bai Yan’s belly that this little guy has no power other than naughty. of.

Therefore, anyone who wants to attack the little Linger is pushed away by him.

He kept the little body of Linger firmly, not letting those people close to her.

But nowadays, the little Linger, a pair of smart eyes always look at the white face, the brilliance in her big eyes is quietly disappearing...

At this moment, everyone is fighting and does not feel the difference of Linger.

Although Xiao Longer felt the hotness of the back, but did not care, she rushed in the crowd and only wanted to solve these enemies as soon as possible.

"Sister, what happened to you?"

The first thing I noticed was that every day, he glared at his small head and looked at the little milk buns that he was guarding at the back.

He reached out and tried to hold the hand of Xiao Linger, but at the moment he had just touched the skin of Xiao Linger, his hand was quickly rushed back.

Looking down every day, I only saw that his palm was hot and red, and his eyes were stunned.

What happened to my sister?

Have you had a fever? Otherwise why is it so hot?

But...they are monsters, will the beast get sick?

At this moment, every day I saw Xiaoling's little mouth and one piece together. I don't know what to say. He curiously put the little head together and heard the words with clear words.

The sound of the little milk buns is very tender, but the eyes are empty and empty.

"They killed their uncle and wanted to kill the relatives of Linger. They... damn..."

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