Now that he knows, he will never give him a chance.

Whether Yan Yan is a past life or this life, he belongs to him alone.

Ink smiled shallowly: "You don't have to be too hostile to me. I didn't have the opportunity to say everything before. This time, I just want to show my heart, because there will be no more in the future." This opportunity... I don't want to leave any regrets."

His clear eyes slowly swept from the body of Emperor Cang, and then fell to Bai Yan: "Yan Yan, I have always understood that you are a pair of heavenly creations, some things I will not force, as long as you understand, no matter What happens, I will stand behind you is enough, I will never let anyone hurt you."


White Yan brows wrinkled, she wanted to say something, but after seeing the juvenile clear to the eyes without any impurities, all her words can not be said to the mouth.

After half a ring, I said, "Okay."

Ink finally looked at the white face: "I am here to explain to you the death of Xuanwu, as long as you are willing to believe me, it is enough, I have other things to leave."

He paused and continued.

"I said, I won't let anyone hurt you."

When this sentence fell, the ink did not give the opportunity to open up.

The long figure gradually disappeared into the sun, and it slowly left from the eyes of Bai Yan...

Bai Yan looked at the direction of the departure of the ink, and had not been able to return to God for a long time...

Until Emperor Cang gripped her shoulder tightly, she recovered her thoughts and her eyes were complicated.

"I didn't think that this life and I could understand each other, and there is the existence of this relationship."

Emperor Cang's eyes are somewhat dissatisfied: "You are not admired, you are just my face."

What he now remembers is only the memory of the gods. He can't remember all the things he has with the city, but the ink is clear.

This feeling makes him unhappy, and does not want to recognize the identity of Bai Yan.

More importantly, even though he did not have the memory of the year, he clearly knew that Mucheng did not like him...

Bai Yan squinted his eyes and smiled and turned to Emperor Cang: "Dang Cang, are you jealous?"

"I don't want you to admire the city," the Emperor Cong holds the arm of Bai Yan more hard. "I just want you to be my wife forever. I am afraid that once you become a Mucheng, you may... maybe leave me. ”

This is the most fearful place in his heart.

Therefore, he is not willing to admit the identity of Bai Yan.

He is afraid that he will lose her...

"Do not worry, Emperor Cang, I will always be white, always your wife, this world will not change..."

Bai Yan gently grasped the hand of Emperor Cang, and smiled like a beautiful painting, and smashed into the eyes of Emperor Cang, also deeply engraved in his heart.

At this moment, he wants to put her the most beautiful smile, a treasure...

Never let people take away...


Dust and frost field.

In the Xiangge, Liu Yexin's hand held the gang, and his eyes always looked out the door. She didn't know that she was asked about the maid next to her. She frowned tightly: "When will Uncle Ye come back?" ”

"Miss, the lord has not returned yet."

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