Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 2172: Liu Chenshuang and Liu Yexin (eight)

He caressed his chest, and the shock was undecided: "How do you say that you can do it yourself? If Yun Xi can't die so easily, she must be solved by my master personally, and you can't be cheaper."

Ye Qi's fist clenched and squeaked, and the forehead was violently violent. He now looked at Yun Ruo's eyes full of anger, just as the other party was her enemy.

"Why..." If the cloud trembled with lashes, she looked at Ye Yan's unrequited face, and finally asked this sentence.

Ye Lan's ironic sneer out loudly: "Why do you think that I brought you back? Why do I think that you are one of the true gods of the past, but I didn't expect you to be impersonating. If I want to break through the true God, I must get the true God. Heart, so... I have always dig your heart for your purpose, you become so old, and the price I pay for you to improve your strength. After all, your strength is strong enough, I break through to be the true God. The chance is even higher."

His words are like a thorn, and the shackles are tied to the heart of Yun Ruo.

She always thought that Ye Lanqi had been sincere to her and never thought about it. She even had such a purpose.


If the clouds trembled, she had lost all her strength, and the whole person was wilting, and her eyes were desperate and painful.

"Who is blinding me?"

Ye Hao's eyelids hang a chill in his eyelids. If he let him know who is using the cloud to deceive him, then he...

Be sure to let him live better than death!

At this moment, in the void, a quiet and ethereal voice slowly fell and fell into Ye Hao's ear.

"it's me……"

Ye Hao's body trembled, and his moment of swaying, the first thing that caught his eye was a long white hair.

The man is as ethereal as the fairy, the white fluttering, his look is light, his hands are negative, the indifference of the dawn slowly sweeps from Ye Xiaoche's body, and then turns to Yun Ruoxi.

When I saw the man's moment, Yun Ruoxi could not wait to find a corner to get into.

She became so old, the most afraid of meeting is the white face, the second is... the wind glass!

This man who has loved her for many years and has suffered for many years.

She was afraid that she would see her ugly face.

"If the cloud is cherished, I said, I will leave your purpose to let you stop the disaster, otherwise I will kill you."

If the cloud is a sigh of relief, she raises her head and looks at the windless glass with unbelievable eyes.

It’s the wind 宸 宸 宸 宸 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶

"When you don't like me, you shouldn't be like this to me?" Yun Ruo is full of pain.

The man is indifferent and does not have any feelings.

"You have done so many things, you should die, I just left her life for her time, and you, indeed, saved her..."

Ye Hao's red crimson turned to the wind glass: "Is you cheating me?"

"Not bad..." The glazed smile of the glazed glass, "It is indeed that I have changed the life of the cloud for the sake of the cloud, so that you think that she is the admiration of the city... and because of this, it will make Yaner not suffer any harm. ”

The eyes of the windy glass slowly turned to the white face, and the original indifferent scorpion turned to her moment and turned into a tender feeling.

"I said, I will protect your safety and have hurt you. In this world, I am trying my best to protect you..."

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