When Lan’s father stunned, he smiled slightly: “Then you come back early, I will let your grandmother prepare the dishes that your sister and I like most, and wait for you to come back to eat together.”

Bai Hao was about to leave the footsteps, and he held the hands on both sides tightly, and when he turned back, the original indifferent face raised a smile.

"Well, my sister and I will come back together."


Seeing that the white pheasant is about to leave again, Chu clothes quickly rushed forward two steps. She seems to be nervous. She keeps clutching her sleeve: "That... can you give me an answer?"

Bai Yan was shocked. He turned his back to the girl behind him, but he never had the courage to look back and look at the blind man.

For a long time, he slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened it, his eyes were more resolute.

"When I come back, I will give you another answer..."

But he doesn't know if he is going, can he still come back.

Chu’s face burst into a smile: “Then I will be here waiting for you to come back.”

Bai Yan is so powerful, and Emperor Cang is so powerful, so he will definitely return soon...

At that time, she and the blue grandmother prepared a delicious meal, waiting for them to come back to eat.

Tianyan and Bai Ning also noticed the change in the front. The two of them looked at each other and saw the worry from the other's eyes.

"Father, I and Ninger... I will go to help Yaner first. After the battle ahead, let us come back to accompany you."

At this moment, Tianyan had already refused to take care of this person. His heart flew to where Bai Yan was. Therefore, after finishing this, he and Bai Ning jumped into a shape and went away.

After all, Bai Hao has never looked back, and the long shadow has gradually disappeared into the eyes of everyone...


Under the gloomy sky, Liu Chenshuang slowly raised her throat, her sneer's eyes fell on Bai Yan's body, and the corner of her lips was a satirical arc.

"I don't know if you should call your white face now, or is it admired?" You didn't expect it, I will one day break through to the true God, this point I have never expected before, hahaha..."

It’s good to break through the feeling of being a true God.

She already feels that all the people in the world are under her control.

Even if Mu Qingcheng came back, she also had the strength to fight with her!

Bai Yan was silent, and the light of the light became a little dignified. His eyes were never recovered from Liu Chenshuang.

True God...

She really broke through to the true God!

Bai Yan involuntarily tightened her fists, her palms filled with cold sweat, and her footsteps stood firmly in front, never stepping back.

Just because she is behind her, she is the one who is working hard to protect everyone!


Suddenly, Suzaku's body was gradually enlarged in the air, turned into a body, and quickly rushed toward Liu Chenshuang.

The moment she rushed to Liu Chenshuang, she turned back and said to Bai Yan: "Master, go, you are going!"

Her body was hot with the heat, and the dark sky seemed to be lit when she flew.

Liu Chenshui looked back at the Suzaku, and she sneered with disdain. She raised her hand and waved gently. The wind that flicked out fell on the body of Suzaku, causing her body to fly backwards suddenly. Going out, falling from the sky, squatting on the ground.

Such an inadvertent wave of sleeves, but Suzaku has been hit hard, showing the power of the real **** strong ... how powerful!

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