Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 2186: The death of Feng Shishi (4)

Blood spattered from the back and stained the entire sky.

Feng Shi's body trembled, and the severe pain made her face pale and bloodless.

Her body is very weak, stiff in the void, both hands still tightly guarding Bai Xiaochen, the clear face raised a weak and weak smile: "Little son, you are going..."

Bai Xiaochen stunned, and his staring eyes stared at the phoenix poem in front of him: "Who are you, why should you save me?"

"I am..." Feng Shi's poem slowly turned his head and his eyes fell to the place where Bai Yan was. She smiled shallowly. "I am the one who admires your mother."

It turned out that she is Mucheng.

It is the admiration that I have been waiting for...

In those days, if she had saved her and entrusted her to the lord, she might have died in the ancient battlefield.

Once she saved her life, now she saved the little son, and it is equivalent to returning this life to her.

She... no regrets.

"Looking for a dead end!"

The long sword of Liu Chenshuang was once again raised, and another sword light rushed to the Feng poetry. The stiff body of Feng Shishi was heavily hit. She held the hand of Bai Xiaochen and fell down somewhat weakly.

Just when Liu Chenshuang wanted to shoot again, the wind 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤 凤Breaking through the wind of the wind, the bang of the wind fell on the body of the wind.

His body flew out and flew out for a while before stopping.


Liu Chenshuang did not agree with the sneer, and again swayed countless swords, all rushing toward Feng Shi poetry.

The blood rushed out of the phoenix poetry, and her eyes had already lost the glory of the past.

Her whole body was in the void, and the bright red blood infested her robes.

"Feng Shishi!!!"

The face of Bai Yan was white and colorless. Her body was trembling, and the endless anger rushed out of her heart, which made her heart more and more painful.

She clearly does not remember Feng Shi poetry, and she does not know what to do with her. She can see her protection of Bai Xiaochen, her heart... There is a heartbreaking pain.

The hand of Feng Shishi finally fell down.

She used up her last strength and looked back at the white face, raising a shallow smile on her lips.

"Godtown... I can see you again in this life, it’s good..."

The words fluttered in the wind and fell into the ears of Bai Yan.

She had no time to say a word, and she saw the body of the phoenix poetry falling to the bottom, and even her eyes closed slightly.

In the moment when the phoenix poetry was about to land, Mo Liyi finally escaped the imprisonment of Liu Chenshuang's pressure, and quickly went down.

At the moment when Feng Shi poetry fell, she caught her body...

Blood rushed from the back of Feng Shi's poems, dyed the hands of the ink, and also showed a **** light in the clear eyes of the teenager.

It is a pity that this time the poetry of the phoenix poetry did not wait for the way before the ink was used again to protect her. She had lost all her life and quietly lying in the arms of the ink.

Until the death, her mouth is still smiling.

It seems that she can see the woman she has waited for so many years before she dies. She is already satisfied, no regrets...

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