Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 2190: Life and death together, never give up (four)

The robes of Chu Yifeng are swaying in the wind.

Blood oozing from his chest, dyed his white robe, and dripped a little bit on the ground...

However, on the handsome face of the man, there is still a light smile, and his eyes are gentle.

"You are here, I have to come."

Because you are here, I have to come!

The life and death of other people have nothing to do with him, just because Bai Yan is here, even if it is dangerous again, even if it is a no return.

He must also come.


Bai Xiaochen's little face was white, his eyes filled with tears, and he looked at the figure in front of him.

The man’s mouth has a faint smile: “Morning, I didn’t expect to see you here, it would be in this situation.”

But he is very glad that he once again protected her...

So, that's enough.


The man coughed up a bite of blood. His handsome face was white and colorless. The slender hand gently licked his chest, and a bright blood stain was hung from the corner of his mouth.

Under the light wind, the white robe of blood-stained is as bright as a fairy, gentle and beautiful.

But his gentleness, from the beginning to the end, only the white face, left to the enemy, and always only indifference and cruelty!

"Yi Feng!"

In the moment when the man was about to fall, Bai Yan held his body tightly. Her two arms were holding him tightly, tears flowing down and the voice trembled: "Why are you... always Maintain me?"

Chu Yifeng gently raised his hand and wiped the tears from her eyes. His smile was as gentle as ever: "Don't cry, every time I watch you cry, I will be very distressed... and, I said, maybe it was my past life. I owe you, this life, let me pay back, so no matter how good you are, it should be."

His past life, according to reason, should be the wind.

He is because the wind can not come to the mainland, so the soul that he was created by him, the same, his soul and the wind glass are also inseparable.

and so……

He and the glasses are the same person.

In this case, the glasses owe her, and it should have been repaid.

"No, you didn't owe me, he is you, you are you, you will always be the morning cognac, and forever... my loved one!" Bai Yan holds the wind glass tightly, she has been pregnant In the middle of the sputum, a few medicinal herbs were handed over to the front of the glazed glaze. "When you go down, it will be fine if you take it."

The glazed smile of the glazed glaze, his eyes staring deeply at the white face, his eyes containing love, affection... or, with a strong disappointment.

How can he leave her?

He clearly loves her so much. If he let him go, then his heart... must be very painful.

But as long as she can keep her safe, he will pay for everything, it is worth it.

"I don't want to restore all the strengths?"

Chu Yifeng did not take the medicinal herbs. He looked up and looked at the wind glaze and asked.

The wind frowns and brows: "You shouldn't do this."

"As long as I can deal with the enemy for the face, I can give up anything."

This body, and this soul...

He also gave the wind to the glass.

As long as... he can protect the white face, you can.

"Yan Er can't bear you," Feng Li's tone was as dull as ever. "So I won't do this."

"Wind glass 宸!!!" Chu Yifeng coughed twice, and supported the body with force. "You have looked for me, want to make me part of you again, I refused to leave you without leaving Yan." Why are you not willing now? Now only this method can help you protect your face! Her life is more important than anything else!"

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