"it is good."

The juvenile's lips are rising: "My name is... Fu Qingchen."

Fu Qingchen...

The eyes of Emperor's children flashed and flickered like a crescent, bright and lovely.

"I am the emperor."

"Linger girl, we have a family in the mountain under the mountain, can Linger girl go back to rest with us, I will send someone to your brother later, I don't know what the Linger girl meant?"

The eyes of the youngsters were all dragged by the actions of the Emperor, and his dusty heart was also chaotic because of the appearance of the girl.


The emperor nodded, and the shackles she picked up contained a cunning light. When she was awkward, she smiled. The smile was like the sun. It was brilliant: "Thank you, if you can find the big brother and the second brother." They will certainly appreciate you."

Xiao Yan looked up at the Emperor Ling with a look of sorrow.

She is sure... The Highness of the Prince and the Emperor saw that other men were standing next to her, would not interrupt the man’s leg, and thank him?

"Young Master!"

The face of the guards behind Fu Qingchen has changed, and some of them have to stop.

In the end, a bodyguard stood still under pressure and asked, "The young master, the princess of the empire... is still in our house. If she sees you take other girls back, I am afraid... I am afraid There will be a storm."

Since a few years ago, after the death of the empire of the empire, the empire belongs to his half-brother Nangong Wen, and because the emperor was chosen by Nangong, he did not give up the empire. It is a great help to the raging empire, so that today's empire is not only out of the mainland, but also in the realm of the gods.

Nangongwen is indeed a rigorous Mingjun, but he has a favorite sister Nangong Yu. Even though Nangong Yu never does evil, she has been eager for Fu’s son Fu Qingchen since she was a child, not only to find Wang Xiong as a medium for him, but also not to Allow any woman to contact Fu Qingchen.

Originally, she had not let go of anything wrong before, and Nangong Yuan closed her eyes and let her do her work.

However, because Fu Qingchen has not had any close contact with any woman in these years, all of this is their own passionate feelings, which has caused Nangong Yu to be a small fight and no big trouble.

Of course, if Fu Qingchen brought the girl back, the nature would be different.

With the temper of Nangong Yu, I will certainly not be able to swallow.

When I suffer, I still have only this girl.

When Fu Qingchen heard the guards behind him, his beautiful face sank slightly, his brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes flashed through a cold light, and he looked coldly toward the rear.

"If she wants to stay here, it is best not to do anything, or Nangongwen will come to the door, I will let his sister get out!"

Others are afraid of the fire empire, because the emperor of the raging empire is Nangong Temple. It is said that this Nangong 隼 was accepted as a disciple by a strong man before he left the mainland. Therefore, anyone will give the empire a few thin faces.

If Nangong Yu’an is divided, then he will never give Nangong a face.

The guard behind him did not dare to speak anymore.

They are all sent by the lady to supervise the young master, so that the young master will not drive out the princess again, but if the lady knows that the young master will bring other women back to the other hospital, it is not only in the other hospitals, but even the entire mainland will cause hurricanes.

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