Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 4 Chapter 2226: Do you know Nangong Temple? (3)

"To shut up!"

Fu Qing dust and his face suddenly sank, if not now Palace Yu has been injured, even he wanted to beat her.

"When you speak well, let me hear you yell at her. From then on, you get out of my sight!"

Nan Gong Yu’s face was stiff and tears continued to flow.

She has already suffered such a heavy injury, Fu Qingchen not only asked, but also defended the monk.

"Clean, it’s really she is looking for someone to beat me. It must be that she knows that Mrs. Fu is just one of my daughters. This will not help people to shoot me. After she has abolished me, she will be justified. ......"

"Nan Gong Yu!" Fu Qingchen's cold dawn contains Sensen cold man. He looks down on the girl who is lying on the ground. There is a sneer in the corner of his mouth. "I don't have as good as you said. You want to be a woman in the country." My wife, not necessarily the Linger girl, is also thinking about it. I have a big gap with her... I only have to do everything I can to shorten the gap between me and her, and she has the possibility to be my wife."

Nangong Yu lived.

Fu Qingchen in her eyes has always been cold and proud, and he has never been so arrogant.

Why is a tribe in the district that will make him so... strange?

"You just said that the person who is Linger hurt you, how can you not want to, how did you find her trouble? Her people must not look past, it is normal for you to shoot, is it that you will watch the fire empire Are you humiliated and indifferent?"

“How is this possible?” Nan Gongyu screamed.

Not to mention being looked for by the door to bully, even if she was only said, the empire of the fire empire will avenge her, will never watch her being bullied.

Fu Qingchen sneered: "What qualifications do you have to blame her? Her guard is not very general, unfathomable, and... no matter how it looks or otherwise, it is excellent everywhere. Why do you think Linger girl? Must I marry me as a wife?"

Even though he is proud, he is not a person who can't tell the difference, even if he just glances at it, he knows that this man... is excellent in all aspects.

Don't look at Linger who has always called him an uncle. In fact, his face seems to be at least twenty years old. Such a man is beside Linger, how can Linger be like Nan Gongyu said, in order to become Does his wife use all means?

Moreover, Linger itself is so excellent, and countless men want to marry her, which is also the goal that he will struggle for a lifetime.

"She is only a princess of a country. Do you have a ancestor of the gods? Do you have a realm with the mainland? Why are you afraid of a country princess? Moreover, no country in this continent can compare me. The fire empire."

In this case, Nangong Yu said it was painful.

She wants to let Fu Qingchen understand that the Emperor is not a great one, and her status is far less than her.

“Princess of a country?” Fu Qingchen sneered out. “My Fu family has a good ancestor. But she can have the ability to tame three tigers. Do you think she is an ordinary woman?”

Nan Gongyu wanted to sit up, but as soon as she moved, she was all painful and could only continue to kneel on the floor. Her expression was unwilling and resentful.

"I heard that the three-legged tiger is very good, maybe she just used the beauty to seduce the three-legged tiger. It doesn't mean she is very strong..."

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