Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 4 Chapter 2234: The feelings of Nangong Temple (1)

He squatted on the ground for a few times before he stabilized his small body.

It shook his head, grievously looked at the emperor's eyes, and screamed twice, as if accusing the cruelty of the white cat.

"Hey, are you coming back?" The emperor smiled brightly. "I introduce you to your new friend, which is called Xiaobei."


Xiao Yan was dissatisfied with two screams. He didn't look at the white cat. It didn't forget how the white cat treated him just now.

Of course, Bei Mo did not pay attention to it. He gracefully licked his claws, and the domineering glimmer flashed a demon light.

Then he slowly looked up and his eyes fell on the man behind him.

This man, and Nangong Temple, feels different.

Compared to Nangong, he feels this guy is more dangerous...

Of course, the danger is not caused by the momentum. As for why there is such a feeling, perhaps North Mo is not clear about himself.

"His Royal Highness," walked slowly to the front of the Emperor, and respectfully took a gift. "I have brought the scorpion back, and also helped the Royal Highness Princess to open the room in the inn. You can rest."

Emperor Ling smiled even more dazzlingly: "Uncle Uncle is doing a good job, I didn't sleep well last night, I was really tired, Xiaobei, we took a break."

Xiaobei picked up his eyes and let him take him out of the door.

It was only when he was bypassing the whole body that the light could not help but sweep through him.

It is awkward, from the beginning to the end, it is not squint. In addition to the emperor, his eyes can no longer see other existences.

"Hey," Nangong licked his thin lips, and he had a heavy touch on his handsome face. "The cat that Linger picked up gave me a feeling of incomprehension."

Nodded indifferently: "I also noticed it."

He just looked at Bei Mo when he entered the door.

At that glance, let his heart tremble without any self.

"Just... I believe that my Royal Highness, she has her own judgment, and I don't think there is anyone in the world who can hurt her."

The man sneered at his lips, and the smile on his lips was cold.

No one in this world dares to hurt the Princess, not to mention the strength of the princess itself. She also has the parents who are the demon king and the demon. Even the prince of the prince has become the demon world after the king and the queen. The emperor is also the same. The promotion is fast, so, with these strong backings, who can hurt her?

In addition, he will never allow, some people touch her!

"It's really me who cares," Nangong 隼 smiled and handsome and handsome, "Linger's smart and intelligent, I should believe her choice, no matter how dangerous the cat feels, but Fan Ling wants to stay He, I will support her choice, but from the first day I saw Linger, I swear to protect her, pet her, love her forever, so I will not allow someone to hurt her! ”

The man behind his back, when he heard the man's words, crossed a dark hole in the cold eyelids.

"Nan Gong Gongzi, it seems... you really like the princess."

"I really like her very much," Nangong said, but the smile of the lips was not reduced. "Ten years ago, I saw her for the first time. Her lively and lovely, intelligent and intelligent, are so dazzling. I know that Master will not easily give Linger to anyone. Therefore, I will work so hard. Only when I stand at a high altitude, I am qualified... to protect her life."

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