"Mother, tell me, who hurt you like this?"

Fu Qingchen didn't like Mrs. Fu. She had too much control over him and was so strong that he wanted to escape.

Just looking at Mrs. Fu’s appearance as blood, an unspeakable grief passed from his heart.

In the end, the mother and the child are connected, how can he... really discard her?

"Who hurts me?" Mrs. Fu raised her head in amazement and looked at Fu Qingchen. "I don't know who hurt me."

do not know?

Fu Qingchen stunned, the mother was injured, how could he not know?

"I have a good pain, clean the dust, and it hurts for my mother." Mrs. Fu’s body came with a sharp pain. Her hand clutched Fu Qingchen’s sleeves and the nails were embedded in his flesh. Dust, save me, I am so painful..."

Fu Qingchen wrinkled his frown. He looked at the arm that Mrs. Fu was clutching, and raised his head slightly, looking at Mrs. Fu.

"I will take you back. There are more illustrious alchemists. They will definitely help you heal the wounds."

"Clean, your princess, Princess Sissi," Mrs. Fu's tears blurred her eyes. "There are so many alchemists in the empire, and they don't belong to us, but the alchemists at Fu's family can only treat ordinary people." The injury, but my soul... It seems that it has been burned, and it must be treated with a very high quality of medicinal herbs. It is difficult to buy the medicinal herbs!"

Even if Mrs. Fu didn't remember who hurt her, she still clearly understood that someone burned her soul, which would make her wounds more painful.

Fu Qingchen has a tight heart: "Mother, is your soul burned?"

After saying this, Fu Qingchen put his own mental power out. When he realized that Mrs. Fu’s weak soul knew, he knew that she had not lied to her.

Her soul was really hurt.

"I have healing Dan here. It was given to me when my ancestors came. I will take it first."

This healing Dan can't cure the mother's soul, but it can restore her physical injury.

Mrs. Fu was happy in her heart and hurriedly took the medicinal herbs and swallowed the entrance without hesitation.

When the medicinal medicine entered the body, she did feel that the injury was slowly recovering.

As long as the injury is restored, at least she will not be so painful now, the future things... I will say later that she can borrow this matter to force Fu Qingchen.

"Clean," Mrs. Fu's appearance is very embarrassing, but her mouth is a smile. "The medicinal herbs used in the realm of the gods are different. It is better than the medicinal products produced by our alchemists." Too many, but unfortunately, the alchemy division of the gods is even rarer. It is extremely difficult for the ancestors to get these medicines."

The scarcity of the gods and alchemists is not unrelated to the disappearance of the seal of the gods.

After the gods have not sealed, they can communicate with the mainland.

In the realm of the gods, the alchemy masters under ten products can't play much role, and there is no position, but they can break through ten products and are extremely rare.

Therefore, those who are less than ten of the alchemists are running to the mainland, at least on the mainland, their status is lofty, any forces want to compete, but in the realm of the gods suffer cold eyes.

This also caused the scarcity of the gods and alchemists.

"Mother," Fu Qingchen's face sank slightly. "What do you want to say?"

Mrs. Fu chuckled and her soul was still weak, so that a smile was extremely weak.

"Clean, the soul of the mother was seriously injured, only some alchemists in the realm of the gods can treat me, and the background of the fire empire is the demon world, I heard that the demon world is the most powerful alchemy teacher," Fu The lady pressed down the light of the eyes. "Nan Gongwen is the younger brother of the Emperor, and the emperor is the apprentice of the demon. If you marry Nangong Yu, then I can ask Nangong for help..."

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